Getting started with Storj V3 Local Test Network (storj-sim)

No, I have no information. Your adventure makes me believe that no one low-power device could be used for the satellite this time.

Maybe you can try to build each required service without -race option, see storj/Makefile at 8c1caea5dbecde3652578741bb810a9c9c402e6f · storj/storj · GitHub for details, storj/Makefile at 8c1caea5dbecde3652578741bb810a9c9c402e6f · storj/storj · GitHub in particular.

Doing compose commands manuly i get this how risky is it

npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled.

npm audit report

nth-check <2.0.1
Severity: high
Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check - Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check · CVE-2021-3803 · GitHub Advisory Database · GitHub
fix available via npm audit fix --force
Will install vue-svg-loader@0.16.0, which is a breaking change
css-select <=3.1.0
Depends on vulnerable versions of nth-check
svgo 1.0.0 - 1.3.2
Depends on vulnerable versions of css-select
vue-svg-loader 0.5.0 - 0.10.0 || >=0.17.0-beta.0
Depends on vulnerable versions of svgo

4 high severity vulnerabilities

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
pi@raspberrypi:~/storj/web/satellite $ cd …

The npm warnings about denial of service, which mostly matter only on the server side. We do not use npm on the server side, so they are not of a concern.

I would like to update them anyways, however, there isn’t a suitable version that wouldn’t have issues.

I have installed all the pieces of install-sim still unsupported VMA eror

Ensure that you install all the binaries without -race. You should be able to use:

go install \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

go install

Thanks now i get this where would i find a redis config file

storj-sim network run
redis/0 20:00:12.030 | 1439:C 13 Jun 2022 20:00:12.030 # Fatal error, can’t open config file ‘/home/pi/.local/share/storj/local-network/satellite/0/redis/redis.conf’: No such file or directory
Error: exit status 1

Have you installed redis?

sudo apt install redis-server

It’s required to start with storj-sim. You also need postgresql up and running and create a db for storj-sim, as described in Test network · storj/storj Wiki · GitHub
Then try to setup the network once again.

  1. Cleanup
storj-sim network destroy
  1. Setup (here I assume that you created a postgres database named teststorj):
storj-sim network setup --postgres=postgres://postgres@localhost/teststorj?sslmode=disable

That command that it says to type the next one in a different terminal the db one should it stay running forever
It says accepting connections

If you used a docker version of postgres - yes, it should be there while you use storj-sim.
If you close it, the postrges server will be stopped and database got removed.

Ok thanks for minio(yes it worked thanks heaps @alexey @Egon ) where do i get the keys i ran storj-sim network run now it’s doing lots of stuff will this finish or is it my nodes and sat working

You can see pre-generated keys by

storj-sim network env

For example, to configure uplink you can do:

uplink access import storjsim $(storj-sim network env GATEWAY_0_ACCESS)

The storjsim here after import command is a name for the access in uplink CLI.

Ok thanks i can’t login to the minio dashboard it says Invalid UI version in the JSON-RPC response

Did you use http://localhost:11000 as Gateway address?
Is it running?

Yes it’s running i got the info from the command you sent so i could login i entered them then it won’t log in it says that RPC error(Invalid UI version in the JSON-RPC response)(error from minio)

Yes, I have the same issue. Seems the minio UI doesn’t work anymore.

Do we need it what is /was it for

What address would i go to to manage things like in / E Gress for the satellite

No it’s not needed. You usually configure some S3-compatible tool to use Access Key, Secret Key and Endpoint to work via S3 protocol.

I do not think that it’s configured via UI.
Check the ~/.local/share/storj/local-network/satellite/0/config.yaml config file.

Ok cool thanks what address would storage node 1 reside

All services are configured under ~/.local/share/storj/local-network