GitBackup - Github Backups

Hi all,
I’ve been working on app, GitBackup, which creates backups of Github users on Storj.

We’re currently just shy of 300 TB and about to scale out significantly. I’d love to know what the Storj community thinks.


Excellent! I know who will be responsible for this issue :smiley:


I :heart: the idea and initiative taken by Storj in making sure those repos are accessible. Ever since Microsoft took over anything can happen to github.

For others that need a reference:


I’m still not sure what to think about the project. Generally I like the idea a lot but ultimately STORJ is just another company that could go down or decide to abandon the project. It’s not a truly decentralized structure that will be accessible in 100 years. It could still shut down any day.

But for the time being it is surely good to have a backup of github so we don’t have to rely on only one company.

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This is the first time I’m seeing this! Interesting though - we definitely created some network-wide issues when scaling out GitBackup a month or two ago.


@kevink The first step is just to get the data in the first place. If Github has an outage or an important project gets censored or deleted, then GitBackup and Storj can really shine.

Long term you are correct this particular project will need to be properly decentralized. Once we have downloaded all of Github, and are just maintaining that will be a good time to make progress toward that.

As long as multiple people outside of just Storj Labs are running it, and its not just run on satellites operated on Storj Labs it should be fine in my opinion. What are your thoughts?


That sounds good to me.
If in the long run it can be run by multiple people over multiple satellites then it should probably be safe enough from unexpected events (satellite going down, censoring, …).

Here are my slides on GitBackup that I presented at Devcon 5.

Decentralizing GitHub-page-010


I created this issue about a month ago when identify where is this problem, at this moment, the problem not appear anymore but I not receive any reply on GitHub from anyone (communications and feedback it’s still a weakness of Storj team) seems like issue was ignored.
I would like to receive feedback at this moment like “Thanks, we already fix this issue.” and this is enough for me :slight_smile:


One “sad” point about gitbackup: if I google gitbackup, the website doesn’t appear (yet) on the first page of results. [At least on]

One problem however is when I tried to add my repos. I can “add” repos of people that don’t exist but as soon as I type my own github name “kevinkk525” then the add button disables itself…


It showed at #3 search result on Which google page did you use .com, etc ?

It could be disabled because its already added in the backup. Non existent have enabled ‘add’ button because it thinks it didn’t back it up so allowing you to add it to the queue. Just my 2 cents.

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Right, could be because I used

The added repos show how many repos have been added and the status “synced”. So it has not been added yet.

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It could be still pending if its not showing up. Its still not completely finished.

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@odmin your critique is a fair one. communication is something we are working on to improve


Thanks, @jocelyn! I glad to hear that it in progress. Also, I can said that @Alexey @heunland from Storj Team and of course you always help everyone and provide feedbacks and all community love it (and me too :heartpulse:) :slight_smile: So, now my critics is true :slight_smile:


Am definitely a fan of this idea, as the network grows I think it would be great to see more archiving projects like this on decentralized platforms. As a suggestion for this project in particular, a lightweight web front end to view the repositories like Gitea or something would help to make it more functional. Definitely a future requests suggestion.


A backup of Github is good. But as a SNO i don’t like backups to Storj network since i believe it causes a lot of data not moving. Since payment for each TB is quite low, I would rather see some big projects that generates lots of egress data from my nodes.


well I’ll take all the data gitbackup wants to put my way use sooner or later they will have to access hence egress


While GitBackup is primarily archival, we are still continuously updating (overwriting) repositories - it isn’t append-only by any means.


@moonshine You should consider the long term. We not only see GitBackup of a great test of the platform at scale, but also a way that we can convert developers into Storj users. Also if we want to do high egress use cases, need to prove that we can at least handle the low egress use cases.

I would hope that you would be with us as we scale this, because we all win in the end.