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countdown? nah nevermind doesn’t matter…
been jumping a bit back and forth between do and don’t… i guess i landed on don’t
i’m sure they are a very valid company, i just don’t get long term if it would be worthwhile to use so many 3rd party actors for beta testing.

i mean if paypal takes 20% and then usertesting would also need a cut, that would quickly add to the costs, so long term i cannot imagine how that is efficient solution, when you guys will have to do betatesting repeatedly over many years…

but maybe that’s just me an my foresight, sure short term i’m sure it’s a nice quick stop gap measure…

long term sounds expensive, but i cannot do the math for that… just my initial gut feeling.

Any news regarding this ? would like to have an opportunity to contribute :smile:

recording my screen… and audio… nope… not gonna happen

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