Had to re-install everything,Nodes are back up, Dashboard won't load

My SSD with ubuntu crashed and I had to re-install ubuntu and everything else. Luckily my identity and data for my nodes are stored on separate HDD.

So I ran through the process of re-install ubuntu, setting quic back up, downloading docker, downloading storj program, re-mounting my drives, ect…

I did everything correctly. I can tell my nodes are back up because of the bandwidth being utilized by the PC my nodes are on, and because I got an email for STORJ saying “your node is back online”

Problem is my dashboards won’t load. First thing I realized is that when I re-installed Ubuntu my router assigned a different IP to my PC. I went back into port forwarding and changed all of my nodes to the new IP address. Then I put in the correct IP address in the URL used to check my dashbarods. After I did that, the error message in Brave changed from saying “(myipaddress):14002 is unreachable” to “(myipaddress) refused to connect” No colon with the 14002 in the new error message, but dashboards still won’t load.

Thanks in advance, and happy bull market everyone!

You need to open it on the host with nodes, using http://localhost:14002 address.
If you want to access the dashboard from the other devices, you may use this guide: How to remote access the web dashboard - Storj Docs or [Tech Preview] Multinode Dashboard Binaries

thank you sir.

You are always a life saver.