Help with multinode not getting online


I have one storage node and now im adding another but is not getting online are this ports right?

One of the nodes is working perfectly

Im at windows with gui install

Did you search here ?

I followed this guide

this is the log

2020-07-09T18:14:26.079+0200 INFO Telemetry enabled
2020-07-09T18:14:28.195+0200 INFO db.migration Database Created {“version”: 42}
2020-07-09T18:14:28.920+0200 INFO preflight:localtime start checking local system clock with trusted satellites’ system clock.
2020-07-09T18:14:29.808+0200 INFO preflight:localtime local system clock is in sync with trusted satellites’ system clock.
2020-07-09T18:14:29.808+0200 INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-07-09T18:14:29.821+0200 INFO Node 12AARCEYkKHis6abfB3VWyr9Q8Thk61oiGxiXBDzXsraWpzhQUQ started
2020-07-09T18:14:29.824+0200 INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
2020-07-09T18:14:29.824+0200 INFO Private server started on
2020-07-09T18:14:29.821+0200 INFO trust Scheduling next refresh {“after”: “4h19m49.334314812s”}
2020-07-09T18:14:34.044+0200 ERROR nodestats:cache Get pricing-model/join date failed {“error”: “heldamount service error: node not found: 12AARCEYkKHis6abfB3VWyr9Q8Thk61oiGxiXBDzXsraWpzhQUQ; heldamount service error: node not found: 12AARCEYkKHis6abfB3VWyr9Q8Thk61oiGxiXBDzXsraWpzhQUQ”, “errorVerbose”: “group:\n— heldamount service error: node not found: 12AARCEYkKHis6abfB3VWyr9Q8Thk61oiGxiXBDzXsraWpzhQUQ\n[*Service](*Service)).GetAllPaystubs:135\n[*Cache](*Cache)).Run.func1:78\n[*Cache](*Cache)).satelliteLoop:233\n[*Cache](*Cache)).Run:77\n[*Group](*Group)).Run.func1:56\n[*Group](*Group)).Go.func1:57\n— heldamount service error: node not found: 12AARCEYkKHis6abfB3VWyr9Q8Thk61oiGxiXBDzXsraWpzhQUQ\n[*Service](*Service)).GetAllPaystubs:135\n[*Cache](*Cache)).Run.func1:78\n[*Cache](*Cache)).satelliteLoop:233\n[*Cache](*Cache)).Run:77\n[*Group](*Group)).Run.func1:56\n[*Group](*Group)).Go.func1:57”}
2020-07-09T18:21:17.615+0200 INFO Stop/Shutdown request received.
2020-07-09T18:21:18.060+0200 FATAL Unrecoverable error {“error”: “debug: http: Server closed”, “errorVerbose”: “debug: http: Server closed\n[*Server](*Server)).Run.func2:108\n[*Group](*Group)).Go.func1:57”}
2020-07-09T18:26:50.032+0200 INFO Configuration loaded {“Location”: “C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml”}

Please. check your second identity:

i have check it and the numbers are correct

Does the signed identity saves at the /storj/identity/storagenode folder?

Depends on how you generated the second identity.
The correct way is to specify a different name, for example storagenode2:

./identity create storagenode2

In this case it will be in $env:AppData\Storj\Identity\storagenode2 (Powershell) or %APPDATA%\Storj\Identity\storagenode2 (cmd or explorer)

the node is not at the same computer

so if i just put storagenode the signed identity is at storagenode folder or not?

They must be a different identities, not the copy of the first one.
If it’s a second PC, and you have used the name storagenode, then it will be in the $env:AppData\Storj\Identity\storagenode (Powershell) or %APPDATA%\Storj\Identity\storagenode (cmd or explorer)

This is what i have at the folder. Are all the files right?


Please, make sure that contact.external-address: option in the "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml" contains your external address with port, i.e.

contact.external-address: external.address.tld:28968

This is what i have contact.external-address: 2…:28967

Please, correct it to 2...:28968 with a Notepad++ (do not use a regular Notepad), save the config and restart the storagenode service either from the Services applet or from the elevated Powershell

Restart-Service storagenode

done and it continues offline

Please, execute in the elevated Powershell on the second PC:

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Storj v3" -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 28967 -Action allow

Please, compare your IP from the contact.external-address: with IP there:

Also, please, give me result of the command (Powershell):

(sls BEGIN (sls "identity.cert-path: (.*)" 'C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml').Matches.Groups[1].Value).count

Name : {3b588f9f-cfd1-4be7-89a4-503a5821d4d5}
DisplayName : Storj v3
Description :
DisplayGroup :
Group :
Enabled : True
Profile : Any
Platform : {}
Direction : Inbound
Action : Allow
EdgeTraversalPolicy : Block
LooseSourceMapping : False
LocalOnlyMapping : False
Owner :
PrimaryStatus : OK
Status : Se analizó la regla correctamente desde el almacén. (65536)
EnforcementStatus : NotApplicable
PolicyStoreSource : PersistentStore
PolicyStoreSourceType : Local

And two other points?

same ip and number 3