High repair egress, low customer egress

of course not, why did you think about this ever?!
It’s completely your good will.

Please show were you read anything about node operators having to go through any KYC.

In jammerdan’s post, there’s a link to a proposal, a blueprint…

Pretty old post, by the way

Ah I see. In this case you should still provide form W-8BEN

Neither do I, but there are already way too many companies holding a variety of my personal data, and it’s only a matter of time when it leaks. So my personal policy is to not worry about something that I cannot control.

On the other hand, the information required in those forms is quite basic, a far cry from KYC.

I do. But KYC only concerns financial institutions, it does not apply to storj, and besides, you are not a customer — you are a vendor.

When I was figuring out what to do with storj tokens, one of the reasons I decided against cash was the sheer amount of data exchanges wanted me to provide to be able to withdraw cash: SSN, photo of ID, photo of myself — I stopped there, but I’m pretty sure if I continued there would have been retina scan and stool sample somewhere. No thank you. So yes, I do have a problem with some random crypto company having full dossier on me. But this is not the case here.


Just wait, they will require that too :sweat_smile:. I saw a clip with a chinese guy unlocking his car with a face scan and KYC like process. So, just wait and see…

Maybe read that blueprint first before making any wrong conclusions.


I read it, that’s why I posted my concerns. Maybe I missunderstood something.