How to troubleshoot offline node

This is the first time I’m configuring it, and everything seems to be ok, but it appears as unconfigured. Can anyone help me?

Your node is unreachable — what seems to be OK? What have you checked so far?

Start with node logs, then check ports (including forwarding rules), addresses, firewalls (both on the host and the gateway), ddns, etc.

This site is great to see if your node is visible on the Internet. If it doesn’t say your port is open… then the Storj Satellites won’t be able to see your node either.

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This site is funny, i have 2 ports open, but show as closed, i have Plex server that i can watch remote.

I create one No-IP account, i have put firewalls rules and open on modem



There is no need to censor private addresses.

  1. is the censored LAN address the one belonging to the machine storj runs on?
  2. Turn off windows firewall temporarily (or permanently – it’s dubious value proposition for a machine that is in the private lan) to rule out you adding rules in the wrong zone.
  3. confirm that your noIP address is the same that is on the WAN interface of your router, and that node external address matches, and that it resolves to that external IP. You may not have a public address. Plex does nat traversal.
  4. What is in the node’s log?

Please, don’t. The installer may refuse to install the service, the Windows firewall is in its dependencies. It’s better to create inbound rules instead

nslookup your.noip.domain

The returned IP must match your WAN IP and IP from yougetsignal. If it’s not match, you need to check your DDNS updater. It’s better to configure it on your router (usually in the DDNS section).
However, if your WAN IP doesn’t match IP on yougetsignal, then you do not have a public IP and need to contact your ISP and ask them to switch your connection out of CGNAT to get a public IP, it can be dynamic, but must be public (the WAN IP will match the IP on yougetsignal).

Please also make sure that you provided your external address with port in the contact.external-address: option of your config.yaml file