I create videos about My nodes

@Vadim How does one scatter multiple nodes across different subnets? Do you use many VPS providers in different areas or you just have many physical locations in one city? Seems like a different use case from me as a home user.

I could maybe park a node at family members homes but that becomes a pain for maintenance and monitoring.

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For some information, read about it in this thread:

heh this was only the beginning.
I use several provider fiber connection.
and vps.

this is last version

this is Storj and chia
most of this hardware i got from earnings from Storj.


Thats really good. And yes - i belive in both projects.

For storj - only 1 TB node- but i will increase once it gets filled.

Whould a vpn not be able to get another sub?

Possibly, but VPNs cost money, add yet another point of failure and you need one that can forward a few ports. Never took the time to investigate further really, because it did not feel like a great solution.

Now that I could immediately plug one or two full nodes behind it, maybe it would be worth the trouble to set it up, Iā€™m not sureā€¦

Yea - 100% another point of failure. And lets assume its a cheap VPN - whould still be like 5$ a month, so it whould take more than 3 months to even hit that - and maybe 5 months to break even.

Depending on your country, it may actually be worse than that because payments are in STORJ. Where I am (France) cryptocurrencies are quite taxed (30%)ā€¦

And because my setup uses SMR drives, they do not receive as much as regular drives as there are moments where they cannot keep upā€¦ ^^ā€™

Soā€¦ Yeah, not great.

I still like Storj though :slight_smile:

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I made an update on my server. Storj is really getting data after i have been vetted.


Update on the server - 160 days of uptime - 2x storj nodes and 1 ScPrimeā€¦
Currently storj is the best platform.


I just deployed another 5TB node on a RPI 4 with 8 GB
Im gonna be making videos about this unit aswell.

Peace out, HG


Today i made a 200 day earnings video. This covers my 3 nodes currently running.
Thanks for watching!

Peace out, HG


I made the new 230 days earnings compare. Alot of data is coming into the storj node.

Peace out, HG

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The new 262 days video is live!
First month of profit in regards to eletricity costs.

Peace out, HG


I donā€™t know if you had mention that scprime cost $100 to buy a license.
Also, the 107scprime on the dashboard is an incentive, and it would go down as they onboard more storage.

When incentive is gone, they have set a price of $4/TB for all contracts, again, still requiring a license which cost $100

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You are correct - but i focus on showing the data i have. incentives or not :slight_smile:

Do you run toolbox for multi Nodes on same machine? Or how do you do?

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I dont - i still havent learned how :smiley:

I created the 293 days video for comparing earnings with SCP

Peace out, HG