I give up, Offline status, QUIC Misconfigured, last contact 17731505h 46m ago

Hello team !

I have no idea what’s wrong,
I think I’ve reworked all the possible settings.
I’d love to delete it all and forget it, but…
Can anyone help me, can I share a remote desktop, whatever, just get it to work.

Check that your port is open to the outside

And test port 28967. It should be open. If not, your firewall or router are blocking it and causing the problem.

just provide what you tried.

you should have:
–an dyndns or fixed public IP in your router configured,
–port forwarded into the router config; to the local ip of the pc with the node, udp and tcp.
–made exeptions to your windows firewall or the one you use.
–given the node these settings.

just provide screenshots or questions to the points.

And welcome to the Forum.

also watch the new payout changes. link in the dashboard.

ok, here is screen, i have static ip

17731505 h = 2022.76 year :thinking:
why not 2023 ?

Hmmm… Bios? I’ll check the date…

Ok, cant see an error, but its late and i dont know the user interfaces well.

now provide the log-file.

its the storagenode.log in the installation folder of the node service software.
you can open it with the notepad ( or notepad++)

or use this

also post the config.yaml but do not edit it, unless you have notepad++ installed.

you may replace personal information with xxx


Factory reset router is the most powerful tool in the world

2 days and 2 nights, I was about to look for a dealer with amphetamines because the coffee stopped working :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you for all your suggestions


Hmm… what this?
I’m a rookie, this is my first Storj knot

check the logs…if nothing there
maybe wait some time (24h).

thats not much, i have 2 nodes now and this hobby is sometimes a bit time intensive.
did a thread about the 2. node…

I believe you, but a hobby that brings money is a good hobby (it will pay for the dealer and sleepless nights :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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Check the logs and look for errors. It could be a defect bandwidth db. In this case the dashboard could get very slow and could take minutes to load…

Since your node is new, it did not load Stat from the satellites. Keep it running, until it update the stats.

You’re right, everything was updated in the morning.

All I have to do is thank you all again and sit down to read,
I have a lot of questions. How many nodes in one account, how to add more disk space etc etc

Have a nice day all !


eighter you start a second node with vadims toolbox or docker.

or copy the data to the new drive, and edit the node.

But you will have a long time to fill up data, and if you do not encounter problems, have time until you have to do that, mine took nearly 2 years.

Thanks, you too.

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infinite. There is no “account” ever. You may run as much nodes as you can.