@super3 firstly I think it’s great you even asked the community for our thoughts!
I suppose we should start with “where are Storj now?” It’s still early days, how are promotions and new customers going? Have we on boarded any big fish?
If things are looking good and it’s just a case of waiting for the traffic organically then that’s fine, but if new customers aren’t where you expected them to be by now, I agree with some of the other comments that perhaps a smaller piece of the pie is better than no pie at all. I’d personally be happy to accept a smaller payout for egress (assuming Storj does the same!) on the assumption it would increase egress usage.
Ofcourse it’s easy for me to say that because I’m offering shed loads of storage and bandwidth. The smaller SNOs may disagree and find running a small node even less profitable.
That said, I think most of us (including me who gets relatively large payouts) are disappointed with the payouts mainly because our nodes are being significantly under-utilised.