Is there a way to query online status from command line

Is there a way to query online status from command line, like executing a command that returns status in shell?
(Dashboard keeps running and not returning to shell.)
Thank you in advance

Yes, it’s. See

The dashboard keeps running and not returning to shell.
Is there a way to return the status in the shell without human intervention?

Why do you want to return to shell without human intervention ?

To automate things. Why do you ask?

I have never come across such a request. Most requests are how they can access the dashboard. You can exit by Ctrl+C but you want it automated which got me curious :slight_smile:

Seems you want to call an API instead

So this is the real solution:

(echo "OFFLINE";bash -c 'docker exec -it storagenode /app/ | head -9 | grep "Status" | cut -c8-') | tail -1