Jul 6, 2021: Payouts for month of June complete

My bad, I misunderstood your comment. I guess I simply don’t get what you were trying to get at then. Do you have a simpler solution?

Is there anywhere in my post I claimed you said that? I merely explained why people say this on the forum a lot. I wasn’t attacking you. Nor was the person who made the prior statement. You seem to be the one who is taking it all personal. The original statement wasn’t even directed to you at all from what I can tell. Just a general comment to those who do have a get rich quick attitude, which clearly isn’t you.

I missed 2 recently. But I’m perfectly capable of thinking of how it would be if you’re just starting out. I probably have a better view than most of what new SNOs can expect as I put a lot of effort into making that visible in the earnings estimator. I personally really don’t care if it takes longer to get payout as it isn’t worth moving those tokens either if the fees are that high.
Building trust is important though and there is really no reason for new users to trust Storj Labs blindly. If that’s the issue though, zkSync can help with that and you can already see that payouts actually happen reliably. So yeah, in my opinion it’s still about having the right expectations. It won’t be worth it the first months. It’s a long term thing. So just go into it with that mindset and you won’t be disappointed as much.

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It’s already been said by others for storj to give greater visibility on their payments schedule. Although I think most people are aware of the 4th of July holiday not everyone internationally knows every US holiday - or even how storj manages US or even International holidays. Storj could also distribute their teams across borders and deal with those holiday situations by assigning responsibility for processing particular payments outside of the holiday times eliminating that break completely. When I was in Oman the local weekend was Sunday/Monday and we dealt with people across the world in many other timezones so we had a model like this to deal with it. If we hadn’t done so our working week would have effectively been reduced to 4 days. However, even if they didn’t do that a single pre-emptive email advising of the holiday and its impact to approvals/payments would go a long way in my view. Instead they rely on the two week coverage to not require them to do anything.

This is the comment I was addressing. And it is most definitely directed at me.

The implication was that I want to “get rich” off storj. That is not the case. Nor am I a miner or have ever even called storj “mining”. My long term hopes for storj are only to get to around the $100-$200 USD a month goal and I fully expect I’ll need multiple physical sites for that. If I can get a couple of nodes going at the different DC sites my employer has then I might even exceed that - in the long term. I know @Vadim exceeds that already so it should be doable. For now i won’t be bringing up node three for another three months or so. It seems based on what my node 2 is doing that vetting is more like a full 6-7 month process currently and not 2-3 as it was previously so I need to look at long term trends to predict when node 2 might fill 6-7 months in advance of when it might actually happen.

From what I can see currently it isn’t even remotely worth it until you hit 75% retained payments so month 7 is the first time it starts to get interesting and improves from there. I do thank you for your work on the calculator - however I do maintain your position (and that of others) is in part based on where you (they) sit right now having gone through all the surge payments and that for the most part you have been paid monthly never having gone through the current “newbie” pain because a lot of people will need to wait no more than 1-2 months to get a payment on L1 that exceeds the threshold.

and yet I specifically said this:

Well, you would know best what I meant of course…

Yeah, I agree, you likely won’t get payout on L1 in the first half year. This is one of the reasons I recommend zkSync for new users as it at least gives them a chance to see they actually get paid. It doesn’t solve the fact that it’s not worth moving that income until you have a little more of it, but at least you’re not left in the dark on whether payout happens at all. Which was basically the same experience I had during the first months. Payouts were too small to be worth moving from my wallet. My experience wasn’t as different as you suggest. And I’ve had similar experience during the V2 days, which I joined relatively late and so I never really made much money on V2. In fact I never even moved my tokens until I started earning a little more on V3. So I have been taking the slow and steady approach from the start and I still do. I rarely move my tokens now, so I really don’t see the issue of having to maybe wait a little.


I dont think zksync will get decentralized any time soon, if at all. The thing is, zkRollups get their security from eth with publishing the root hash. So you can exit (sending your funds to L1) without interacting with their servers. So basically it is centralized, but they cant tamper with your tokens or denial access to you.

As to having an exchange, there might be some DEX really soon: https://twitter.com/zksync/status/1412438673497284608

There is a bias towards loyal node operators, sure. But that’s because retaining loyal node operators is a LOT more important than attracting new ones. New node operators are always a risk. Who knows whether they stick around. They may decide the money isn’t worth it and leave. As a result informing SNOs upfront is also important so they know what to expect. Because just trying it and then leaving after a few month is costly for repair. At the same time, long time SNOs are more likely to agree with the current model, because they would have left otherwise. So perhaps you have the causal relationship the wrong way around there. Either way, incentives to keep loyal node operators with a much higher repair burden around do make sense. They are what make the network.


Hola! Estoy recién llegado, un cordial saludo a todos!

No he podido pasar sin dar mi opinión a tu comentario.
Storj es prometedor, pero no niego que estoy estudiando otras alternativas existentes.
La gente NO es mandona ;). Las personas que invierten en un nodo no tan sólo desean participar en un proyecto, también esperan algo de rentabilidad. A ellos les gustará que las cosas funcionen bien, pues ellos tienen un coste asumido de hardware y otros consumos como ancho de banda y electricidad.
Voy a probar Storj, acepto la retención de pagos propuesta para consolidar en el tiempo los nodos.
Tengo un buen UPS, tengo una buena velocidad de subida/bajada, tengo un buen hardware listo para 24/7/365 y una cantidad de almacenamiento muy razonable. Eso tiene un valor, mas el tiempo que tenga que dedicar para ponerlo en marcha, mas gasto eléctrico.
Posiblemente tenga que esperar un año o dos para que mi nodo comience a amortizarse. Tengo paciencia, me gusta Storj.
Pero quede claro todo operador de nodo lo que está haciendo es en realidad un préstamo a Storj y que Storj irá progresivamente amortizando inversión…sin garantía alguna de un cumplimiento total.
Para empeorar las cosas podemos encontrar causas ajenas a las personas y a factores técnicos (por ejemplo un terremoto, unas inundaciones…) ajenas al nodo que afectará a todo el tiempo y medios invertidos obteniendo una penalización en lugar de comprensión.
Aún podría decir mas…
Entonces… ¿seguro que [quote=“jeremyfritzen, post:20, topic:14519”]
¡La gente se está volviendo tan mandona aquí!
Nota: Lamento hablar en español, no lo hago por capricho, me veo obligado a hacerlo para que “google translate” no se quede sin trabajo!!! :wink:

Espero que lo sepas, no recomendamos invertir en equipos solo para Storj, puede que no valga la pena, recomendamos usar lo que tienes ahora.
Idealmente, su equipo ya está en línea, pero tiene espacio libre en el disco y tiene suficiente ancho de banda de Internet. En este caso, cualquier ingreso es pura ganancia, porque ya se han cubierto todos los costos, por lo que los ingresos del nodo serán un buen descuento en sus facturas.

I hope you know, we do not recommend investing in equipment only for Storj, it may not pay off, we recommend using what you have now.
Ideally, your equipment is already online, but has free disk space and you have sufficient Internet bandwidth. In this case, any income is pure profit, because all costs have already been covered, so the income from the node will be a good discount on your bills.


Es su proyecto, su “hijo”. Es evidente que ellos desean que las cosas funcionen, tanto como el que tiene fe en el proyecto y decide poner su hardware, su tiempo y su costo a disposición de Storj.
Ambos apuestan, ambos pueden ganar y ambos pueden perder.
Hay que mantener el STATUS QUO entre todas las partes.
No hay que menospreciar ni a los primeros ni a los segundos.
Es muy importante tener en cuenta el trabajo y sacrificio económico de quienes crearon el proyecto, tan importante como el trabajo y sacrificio económico del resto que de alguna forma participan en él. Hay que cuidar y ayudar tanto a los primeros como a los segundos, respetando siempre el esfuerzo y sacrifico de todas las partes.
Respecto a la inversión o no en un proyecto depende de donde quiera dedicar cada uno su tiempo y dinero…hay quien consume su vida (y economía) delante de una consola de videojuegos, de fiesta con sus amigos o viendo la TV. Yo prefiero formar parte de la revolución que se está produciendo, de poner mi granito de arena y -lógicamente- ser recompensado por ello.
EDIT: “tele” (televisión)->TV

Respetamos y valoramos a todos los operadores de nodos, los operadores de nodos son la columna vertebral de nuestra red y ofrecemos un pago bastante justo por sus servicios.
Sin embargo, es posible que este pago no cubra todos los costos si planea cubrirlos con los ingresos del nodo.

We respect and value all node operators, node operators are the backbone of our network and we offer fairly fair payment for their services.
However, this payment may not cover all costs if you plan to cover them from node income.