I’m still on the last release of the previous major branch of Docker: Does somebody can confirm me if the latest version of Docker Desktop, Docker Desktop Community for Windows, is working for you, especially for the storage nodes operation who upgraded from the previous major version ? Because in the past, it broke the nodes, and I suspect its due to the Docker NAT removed from this update, which seems necessary to node to work.
The reason is I’ve troubles of small drops in the second node on Docker, seen on Storj Info, but virtually its still online with the uptime and uptime robot report it online too (but it only check each 5 minutes). It looks it affects the uptime of the second node in the dashboard, the micro drops looks be more frequent after several days of uptime, and reboot the machine is fixing the issue. So I suspect Docker being the problem for managing the two containers at the same time, and I would like upgrade to the lastest Docker Desktop because a lot of improvements have been made (and it could fix or just improve this issue). I could attach the other node on another machine, but in my room and my actual setup, and because I use locally the two hard drives for myself, I really don’t wish use that option.
So first node is perfect, second node is having micro-drops.
For Uptime Robot, last 24h here, its perfect, the micro drops is totally fair for its point of view, but it only report each 5 minutes too, so I suspect its not a very good value. It reports me offline when I’m really offline (connection down and reboot the machine).
The uptime is not affected at all from dashboard. 113h ago, I upgraded my two ethernet drivers (Intel & Realtek), Win 10 and rebooted, so its normal. But satelitte uptime looks bad: Salt: 96.7% - Asia: 95.2% - US: 93.2% - Eu West: 94.5% - Eu North: 92.9%, but this node was offline the first days of running when I posted on the forum to figure out how configure this before it works… but the new satellitte started with 86% uptime, then now ̶9̶2̶,̶9̶%̶ 93,7%… Though, the others satellittes % are increasing progressively. (The older first node (several months) is globally close to 99%.)
For my feedback: For long a period of time, because the node and uptime robot were showing me a full uptime, I didn’t looked Storjnet.info, so when Storj updated the dashboard for showing the satelittes lifetime uptimes, and when I came back on this Storjnet, I was quite surprised.
From the current state with the dashboard uptime and logs, its not possible to suspect that kind of micro-drops, because nor Uptime Robot often suggested on the forum neither the dashboard GUI/CLI uptime are stating this kind of issue. For satellitte, a separated daily uptime would be more useful to detect this kind of issue when the Storage Node Operator is on the machine (like me often) to understand what happened eventually. I would like be able to check the uptime check in the logs directly (like the audit check) in the future, which is not still the case today.
I wish fix that issue with docker before thinking about moving it on another machine. Also, I see Docker NAT is dealing with both containers to send the traffic to the two ethernet interfaces, so it is possible to create a second Docker NAT for the other node? Maybe it would be better like this to separate the process?
Well, at first, I would like upgrade Docker to see how well/worst it performs. So, can you just confirm me for the SNO on Docker Windows if the last version is working for you ?
Node is 12B5suGhHi6Wfqx562gRRxm9zD4nuvb2Tonrk9tzkERnzSgRngf