Hey There People!
Finally I made it.
My name is Tass, I work in IT as an Engineering Manager atm, we develop Navigation Systems for the Automotive Industry.
I am following Storj project for years now. I tired it back years ago, then I stopped because life was busy, but I never stopped following its progress.
When the project reached its easier to setup up state I joined in.
I am a node operator since July I guess, first payment was in august. I just checked.
My nodes never went offline since then, I have 100& suspension and audit scores. online scores are always are between 97-99%.
I run 2 nodes.
1 on a synology DS918+ with 5TB allocated to one node. (running in docker)
1 on a raspberry pi 4b 8gb that has external orico 5 bay hdd enclosure that has multiple drives connected to it, but currently only running a 2tb node.
Have Gigabit Internet without any bandwidth limit, running whole enterprise grade unifi networking setup. (everything is fine and running real well, UPS etc. - All Gucci.)*
I am really proud to be part of this network, this project to decentralize storage is an amazing way to basically build a super storage around the world.
I follow crypto currency topics, know about mining, know about projects built on top of Ethereum and I know about the scalability issue that currently Ethereum network is facing.
Now for the question part and the reason I have joined to forums.
With the hardware, internet, infrastructure I have, I really should have higher storage usage.
For a very long time now, I only have 1.45 tb used on both nodes and this is basically not growing at all, or at a rate that is currently not so appealing for me.
I am wondering why this might be, I am not having any error reports, Nodes are running fine. Is this because there are few Tardigrade clients or am I doing something wrong that I do not know about?
I really wish to support this network, not for the money but to help storj network grow, but this way it feels like a just a waste of hardware resources. (at least on my Synology) The raspberry is fine.
Having a disk array on synology up and running 0/24 with 2 500 gb ssd cache drives, with the low amount of IO is just a constant stress put on the hardware and not seeing the benefit I am providing for the network just demotivates me.
As I said, I only wanted to support the network, having some Storj coins flowing in is just an extra.
I would like to see this network grow on client side, so the operator side can be happy and see their disks filled, but this is sadly not happening.
Could some1 give me an update on when can we expect more Tardigrade clients?
Thanks again for having me and taking the time to read,