Maintenance: downtime - June 12th, 2020

Hi all!

On June 11th we will be performing maintenance to move our satellitedb from one self-hosted cluster to another. I expect the downtime to be minimal, but I’ll be sure to post any updates.



Can I ask you why it not announced on ?

I see planned maintanance for Jun 21:

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I think because its fake-tardigrade satellite!

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Oh… I see Europe-North:man_facepalming:

Corrected it for you: non-customer-tardigrade sattelite

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Hi all!

Due to shifts in priorities we are postponing this migration. We will try again tomorrow and I will update here.



The maintenance is beginning shortly!



And… we’re all done! Thanks everyone for your patience.



After the maintenance we have seen that data flow from this satellite is zero. Is that the expected behaviour?

I know this satellite is for non-customer puposes (aka mostly test data), I’m just asking if it´s happening to everyone, i’s an actual issue or just an issue on my nodes / network :sweat_smile:


Same here, so its no issue on your side.

Yep, pretty much dropped to almost zero data from this satellite since the maintenance.
Is this just me or is it a normal consequence of whatever maintenance was done?

the test is over and now there is only customer traffic again. and where there are no or too few customers, there can be no traffic …

And also weekends. This is simple - there is no customers’ usage patterns. The traffic from any past period can’t be used to estimate the traffic in the future.

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honestly, we see no projection in the future. very low traffic, surely lack of customers and if you do nothing for it, many people will stop their nodes. it is true that it is interesting to participate in this project but at one point the operators seek a minimum of return on the temsp spent has maintain their nodes, the bills of éléctrictés, the wear of their material and so on .

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Good, more traffic for me!

I think people went into it with unrealistic expectations and spending too much. Since there are customers on the other end who actually have to pay for the service we provide as well as the cost of the satellites and any other costs Storjlabs has, the expectations of getting rich quick are just unrealistic. But it’s enough for me to make a decent profit. I’m using hardware that would have been online anyway, so barely any additional energy costs. And I keep reminding people, it’s been 3 months since the production launch, why would you expect massive customer traffic already. This stuff needs to be integrated into their systems, in many cases software needs to be developed for it. And despite that I’ve already seen traffic from customer satellites grow. Meanwhile storj is making sure we get paid anyway by pushing test data.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you’re not making money now (on a node that has existed for at least 9 months), you’re doing something wrong.


I won’t stop mine as long as I get paid :smiley: As long as the test traffic continues like it currently does, I will have no reason to shut the nodes down.
I’m sure that at some point there will be more customer data.

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It’s fine, I’m not too bothered. I just wanted to make sure that I hadn’t broken something :slight_smile:

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Would be lovely if I could make enough to offset the cost to run a leased line into my house
Symmetrical, uncontended 1 Gbps bandwidth would be lush :wink:

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How much would that be?

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