MAR 10, 2020: Februay SNO payouts are complete

Storage Node Operator payments have been sent

Hello! Storage Node Operator payments for February have all been sent.

(For those folks who are new to the process, our payouts occurs within the first half of every month. So while the payment period is always consistent – first half of the month – the specific date within that period may ‘float’ from month-to-month. )

Our automatic process has recently been updated (this is a building block for future plans to get the “held amount” into the SNO dashboard display; as a result some people may notice the number of payouts per wallet has change – however – the total amount of payout should be correct!

Please also note that surge pricing has ended and we’re transitioning data from to

If you have feedback or questions about your specific payout, contact

As always, we very much value & appreciate our community


Hey Storage Node Operators, As we move into production one of the things we are trying to achive is a fully automated Storage Node Operator payments calculations process. Since we launched our first beta we have had a process that involves some manual steps during the SNO payment calculations at the beginning of each month but this month we are moving towards an almost fully automated process!
In the long term, this means SNO payment calculations will be automated so the chance of any errors will be far lower and this will also allow us to do the payments quicker because currently, this is the slowest part of our monthly SNO payment process. This is also going to allow us to show the held amount on the Storage Node Dashboard as well!
In the short term, this means this month’s payments may be a little slower than usual but we still plan on having all of the SNO payments done by March 15 (within our Storage Node operator terms of service)


That’s great news! Keep it up.


Thank you for the update @brandon ! Many of us here who have been involved in the Storj community longtime will recognize that this new phase of automatic payments is representative of a HUGE amount of great work from the product side. I know everyone also appreciates that you’re working hard to make it happen inside the regular window as well


Brilliant, excellent job :hugs:. Now what’s missing it is just the amount paid on each node dashboard :wink:


@naxbc with the improvements we are making I believe we will be able to do that very soon!


That’s great news!

Still hoping my earnings calculator will be obsolete at some point. :slight_smile:


hehehe we are trying to make that happen @BrightSilence even though your calculator has been awesome for the SNO community :slight_smile:


Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know we are going to be using new wallet addresses for SNO payouts for each satellite. Here are the new wallet addresses:

satellite-asia-east-1 0x2D5fc0cdeF7b5C020087b228C76fB3fdDaE8cBf2
satellite-europe-west-1 0xcF2d4537c7959fd0C381B05D6b98746d507e87Dc
satellite-saltlake 0x859F0b427b88a6c9d7bD0277eE87c2b00c2b5258
satellite-us-central-1 0x42C23E580DF26FbF338c99f11562f23E5abAf788 0x66f0b890c2bf6D71756F03FD3B2aAD18B39775Ec


Please add this addresses to json API.
I want to create integration in my monitoring script and blockchain.


Hey Everyone!

Last month we did not payout the last 7 days of bandwidth because of a technical issue with how the satellite reconciles bandwidth orders. The satellite used to wait until the order expired and then it would be reconciled. We have changed this functionality so the satellite reconciles the bandwidth orders as they are received and we will no longer have a 7-day delay.

Since this issue was caused by us we decided we are going to apply the January surge amount of 3X to the first 15 days (a little extra because you all had to wait a month :slight_smile:) of bandwidth for February across all satellites. Thank you for your patience!


Thanks for that!
Now to figure out how I’m going to calculate surge on half of the months payout… :wink:
First world problems, right?

Anyway, thanks again, you have been pretty good for SNO’s over the long period of surge payouts. I appreciate that we’re getting a little more of a taste of it.


Is it 3x for older and 2x for newer nodes, or 3x for everyone?

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Hey @donald.m.motsinger the 3x surge will apply to all nodes.


I did a review for the current payout sheet and notices different results compared to the old payout calculation. Here is a list of the important changes:

  1. One payment per storage node per satellite. The old script was summing up storage nodes that share the same wallet. The new one doesn’t. If you are running multiple storage nodes you should see more transactions this time.
  2. For the first 2 weeks 3 times surge pricing to compensate for the traffic that was moved from January into February. The surge pricing is only for download traffic including repair and audit traffic. Used space is calculated without surge pricing.
  3. Graceful exit payments for January and February are included. You get the payment + hold back amount in a single transaction. Same deal for the 50% hold back payment in month 15th. (in a few month the first nodes are older than 15 month)
  4. First payout for the saltlake satellite. Remeber the satellite is new and every storage node will start with 25% hold back level.

Maybe, this was posted before, and I missed the post or misread it. But this is going to cause a lot of confusion…

There definitely needs to be a notice or tag or some indicator in the storage node dashboard of these sorts of things…

Are you suggesting we should stop the payout for the saltlake satellite and focus on the dashboard first?

I’m not saying the policy is unreasonable, it’s just confusing that’s all.

is it nessesary to make multeple payouts for more than one nodes? It will unnesasary will pay you more for transactions.