March 12, 2025, February payouts complete

Hello! Payouts for the completed month of February are done.

zkSync Era

zkSync Era payments went off without trouble again this month; we paid 554 unique addresses. For the first time, this is a decrease from the prior month, but only by one address (last month was 555)! zkSync Era adopters received a 3% bonus and were paid out if they cleared the minimum payout threshold, which appears to have been at least $0.08.

You can opt into zkSync Era adding the following to your config file:

operator.wallet-features: ["zksync-era"]

or to your commandline:


Note that you need to update your configuration if you formerly had opted into vanilla zkSync Lite.

Layer 1

For layer 1 payments, we paid 2,282 unique wallet addresses. We paid everyone who earned $5.80 or more.

A reminder that the minimum payout threshold is currently set such that fees are not to exceed 25% of the transferred amount.

Cost basis tool

Just a reminder that if you want to know the amount of USD a particular storage node payment transaction was considered denominated in, please check out our cost basis tool. You’ll need to enter your payment transaction:

Final thoughts

Across all layers, we paid 2,829 unique addresses. As always, if you have more questions, please make sure you’ve read through our mega FAQ .


If you’re on the fence about going to zksync, you should get on zksync.
Zksync now only takes 4 hours instead of 24 hours to transfer to L1.
I don’t know what changed in zksync or ether, but the last 2 months it cost me around $.30 to transfer from zksync to an L1 exchange each time.

Previously it was a anywhere from $3-8 for each transfer.


Please do share your methodology, I’m sure it would help people that use zsync and benefit the community should you post as brief a guide as you may find convenient. :slight_smile:


3 cents,

It all depend on ETH transfer price, last several payouts it was really low.

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This is only half of the story. What exchange rate did it give you?

When I try to swap 100 STORJ in Metamask I only get 0.01246 ETH, whereas Coingecko tells me it should be 0.0151352 ETH. So you lose $5 by the spread.

Don’t be fooled by the low fee.

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Moreover, the easier thing to say is that’s 17.67% spread

1.10 cents,

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Or zero hours if you already receive on L1.

Or $0.00, if you already receive at L1

So, please, explain, how can paying more be better for anyone (except Storj, that saves transaction fees once a month)?

And the whole spread issue is separate, see few commends above.

Zksync and other scaling solutions are only useful if both are true

  • you need scale. Massive number of transactions
  • you stay materially mostly within the L2.

None of that applies to storagenode payouts. Please lay off promoting L2. It won’t happen. It does not need to happen. Storj posts stats on how many wallets they pay on each run. There is a small amount of people who were duped to use L2, but this will hopefully change once they realize they are losing money, and if they care enough.


Use login, do zksync era to Etherium, you will need a small amount of etherium to cover cost.
Input your L1 address that you get from your exchange, wait 4 hours, and go back to and go to the transfers tab and click claim. You will need some etherium on your L1 to claim.

I use Binance, and I always use the trade options, and enter the exact amount in usdt for each of my storj, so there is no spread for me.
I use to just do a swap, but found I get less than just going trading it and selecting the current market price will always give you more than doing a swap.

It makes sense if you earn more than $10. $10 + 3% = $10.30, and that is enough to cover the fees assuming fees stay around $.30.

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That’s entirely missing the big picture. The only time when this is beneficial is when all of the following conditions apply:

  1. Etherium gas fees are very low (as they have been last few months)
  2. And yet, storj still pays bonus on zksync transactions.
  3. Human time messing with yet another app/web site moving tokens around is worthless.

However, the very reason storj is giving 3% bonus is because they want to avoid paying high L1 transfer gas fees. It’s a kickback of their savings. If the gas fee stays lower than those 3% consistently – they will discontinue the 3% bonus.

As you can see, 1. and 2. cannot be both true sustainably. All the perceived gains here are due to lag and inefficiency, and are temporary.

You shall look into reasons behind things and long term equilibrium. Zkssync is not needed for storagenode payouts (see my comment above). Therefore, it will always be less beneficial than direct solution, outside of some flukes, like the one you observe now.

“it just happens to work now” is very bad justification to do anything.

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You may also use txSync portal and pay L2 fee by STORJ tokens, not ETH.

Some portals allows you to specify a different L1 address than your own when you withdraw from L2, so you may specify the Binance deposit address to avoid an additional L1-L1 transaction fee.

You may buy a Gift Cards on BitRefill with a STORJ token on zkSync, at least I can see it (I didn’t try though).

I’ve done it before, it’s still significantly worse than converting to cash on L1 (due to spread)

I dont see zksync or Storj as options in Bitrefill.

It’s under LI.FI Pay


I am going to probably ask something stupid!
But checking 0.464 Gwei | Ethereum Gas Tracker | Etherscan the gas is $0,02!

How come the payout cut was $5.80?

What i am missing?

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this is Eth transaction base price, other coins on eth network transaction fee is always bigger.


You need to check the transaction fee for ERC20 tokens on the moment of the transaction is broadcasted.

Just to confirm: I am using my ETH wallet address, is this correct, right?

Also, based on your reply, I will get paid in Storj coin, not ETH ? If so, do you know which exchange can I use to trade it?

It’s all here

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