March 2023: what is easiest and cheapest way to exchange STORJ tokens at ZKSync wallet

Thank you for detailed answer!

I’ll appreciate, if you review my conclusions below and let me know, if I’m right:

  • Zksync.Era is newer version than Zksync.Lite, but Era’s ecosystem is not as mature, as Lite’s. Eventually Era’s ecosystem may grow.
  • If I already have the ETH wallet (I have MEW), I can start using Zkync.Era with it. I can connect wallet later, whenever I’ll need to move / trade tokens.
  • StorJ tokens were originally minted on L1 ETH, but can be moved to / from L2, such as ZkSync.Era. Moving L1 ↔ L2 is expensive, and moving L2 ↔ L2 is cheaper.
  • Exchanging StorJ token on L1 has no issues with liquidity, but transaction fee is expensive.
  • Exchanging StorJ token on ZkSync.Era has may have issues with liquidity, but with time it may get better. Transaction fee are cheap.

Since StorJ company own a lot of tokens, - shouldn’t we expect the StorJ company to be involved with providing more liquidity? Is it unreasonable expectation?

Please see my post above yours which addresses exactly that issue.

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Thank you.

That exchanges StorJ tokens ZkSync.Era ↔ ETH. Right?

So, there is no more issues with liquidity for StorJ@ZkSync.Era ↔ ETH? Or they just offer some liquidity?

As far as I can tell from their info and website, it means you now can use STORJ for paying the fees for whatever transaction you were planning to do with Zksync-Era, not just trading Zksync-Era STORJ for ETH.

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I did read it, was very exciting as the paymaster is key to adoption…

I can see txfusion Era Bridge on txportal & txbridge has the option to change the fee token to Storj, but from testing today that doesn’t seem to be available outside their infrastructure ?

As an example, using native Zksync.Era bridge didn’t work, or layerswap or orbitar.

Again, appreciate it’s all new - but does someone in Storj Towers want to confirm if the Paymaster has been limited to their services, and if so - when will it be going public ?

If not limited, then maybe I was too impatient and need to test again :smiley:

#edit: ok my code I tried was wrong :stuck_out_tongue: I’m unsure how to call mainnet getpaymasteraddress equivalent as it’s different to testnet - need to do more reading…

Sorry for any confusion.


The same for me! 20 char

zkSync.Era seems to work now on Bitrefill, but STORJ is not listed under the available tokens.

Is it possible to cheaply swap STORJ on Era to ETH or USDT on Era?

If you enter in the STORJ zkSync Era contract address 0xA0806DA7835a4E63dB2CE44A2b622eF8b73B5DB5 (verify this yourself), you’ll see it appear.

The current price is around 0.64 USD, so the conversion is quite bad because of the lack of liquidity.


It sounds like SNOs who choose to receive the zkSync payout bonus… end up spending that bonus (or more) either getting back to L1… or in poor conversion rates on L2?

How would one verify that contract address?

If I look at Uniswap right now I would pay ~$10 just for swapping STORJ to ETH on L1.


One way is to use the zkSync Era explorer and to check the contract address of the token that you received from the node payments.

Hopefully the upcoming Dencun upgrade will reduce the fees even more!


You need to write its name fully

I’m on the point that I have USDT on polygon and can see it at Bitrefill, but when I try to move it to bitrefill, it tells me, that I don’t have enough Matic. Do I always have to have Matic to pay the fees?

its the token for polygon, so i guess yes.


Get $1 worth of MATIC and it will last for ages. I got 1 Matic almost a year ago and still have 0.9 left after making 1 transaction a month.


Okay thank you for you anders! As intelligent as I am I have exchanged all my Storj so I have to wait another month to get some matic :see_no_evil:

cange one or an half usdt to matic?

On orbiter there is a 1.8USDT fee for sending back to zigzag. So fee is higher then the amount I need

thats likely in every case where small amounts are needed.

not a exchange on polygon to change usdt to matic? im not familiar with polygon, but i cant imagine there is none.

That’s it, what ever you do on polygon you have to have some matic… When you don’t have matic you can’t even swap to one