Hello fellow SNOs and Storj Employees,
I was wondering if we had a set of presentations that we could use to let others know about Storj. I’m asking this because I was thinking on submitting a talk about storj on a local conference as a single individual, without any affiliation to the Storj company besides being a SNO. Probably I would need to provide a disclaimer saying this is just my experience and Storj (company) don’t endorses neither denies what I say. I should also provide the usual finance disclaimer that we get in the begenning of every town hall in terms of purchase decisions and so on.
This also lead to other though: generally speaking and by letting the community educate aspiring SNO/Tardigrade users could be a good way to pass the word and also get some positive network effect. I would say the majority of SNOs and Tardigrade users arrive from an invitation from a friend or colleague, I don’t have however data to prove this. What do you think ?