Minimum Threshold for Storage Node Operator Payouts

they removed a pair. they didn’t reomove storj from the exchange (omg perhaps you would check what you paste first - removing storj/eth bc of lack of the market liquidity doesn’t mean you can’t trade storj on binance)

again - going through exchanges could be a temporary solution

man, answer me this

if the price of gas will remain the same or go up in next two years - what’s your solution? sticking blindly to erc20? has that been even answered?

I suggest to post something meaningful instead of blindly defending the current approach


OK here is the thing, for example with you question. I bet you (and we all) would prefer to hear the answer to you question from someone with some kind of official capacity or ability to make decisions. Not from me or some other random in this forum. That would be the noise that I was talking earlier.


Heh, given how big the gas cost problem is, I’m not sure I’d call Ethereum mature. All of cryptofinance is very new though.

Tardigrade is not really operationally threatened even by a massive loss of node operators. In case this happens, Storj can buy cloud storage quite a lot cheaper than from node operators. Won’t be as distributed as when coöperating with external node operators, but will work. They’re still really nice folks given they try to find a solution to the current problem, and not just give up on the massively distributed nature of the storage.


I read all posts one by one and hope, that this should be good. It seems, that some small SNO have fear.

This, what I wrote, is only my personal opinions.

I have bigger and older node (10TB+ used capacity). In all time, when I had some problems, Storj staff and comunity was nice and handfull help me. I am gratefull for this (@Alexey and @jocelyn).

I fully understand this fear from small SNO. When they not get payout, trust may be broken and they may stop their nodes. Similar situation is for new SNO, who starting from zero.
I fully understand StorjLabs decision as well. If they must pay 10$ for small node (6$ for operator + 4 as fee), this capacity may cost more, like they want.

But please, we must stay focused to constructive dialog!

This pausing and placing thresholds I take as a temporary solution to get some time for StorjLabs to finding a permanent solution. I am sure, that they take this problem seriosly and have some good ideas, which should be in short time introduced. If I thinking from their perspective, I do same decision.

Now I go a little deeper. These solutions I acceptable for me:

A) - add ability for SNO do withdraw any time in case, that SNO pay fee.
If SNO want do withdraw daily and pay transport fee, no problem. If SNO get per day 1$ and fee for this transfer should be 0,8$, SNO not get 1$, but 0.2$.
Win-win - SNO get pay on demand and StorjLabs not have transfer fee.

B) - cumulate pays and attempt to sent it in month period with some extra value (+10% ?).
If SNO should get after one month 6$ but transfer fee is still high, SNO not get it, but StorjLabs add 0,6$ and add it to next payout. On second month this SNO should get another 6$,but transfer fee is still high, SNO not get it, but StorjLabs add 0,6$ and add it to next payout. Next payout shoul not be 12$, but 13,2$ (6,6$ from one month + 6,6$ from second month) …
Win-win - In this case small SNO not “loosing” too much (hand on heart - I manipulate with tokens only one / two times per year) and StorjLabs not have high transfer fee.

In both scenarios SNO always get payout and not lost trust to StorjLabs no matter, how big is node. I would chose B scenario, because I get my money with some extra value and StorjLabs not lose too much on fee. I am sure, that they invest it smart (some big partners for storing their data here?).

It is necessary realized, that when you want “fast money”, Storj isnt good project for you. If I can suggest, try digging canals, sell cookies, drive pizzas, …

If you really want be SNO, start your node, take care about it, growing with it. I learn very many things about storage systems, servers, thanks to take care about my node.
And money? My node paid off after one year! Yes, I calculate electricity and connectivity as well. But prax and experience is priceless.

So, we stop whining here and begin tuning in those Raspberries (my node is very old x86 gaming computer). After year you throw it to the trash (with graceful exit) or buy next harddrive :).

I buying every year pair of big NAS harddrive and I am still SNO :). I am sure you dont believe me, but I have no reason to bother you!


Reminds me of surge payments.

This also true (no transfer fees between acccounts) for the exchange.

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In my nodes sayd i recived the paymets nice joke

No, they answer only Questions of the future.
They did not one time react or say something that deals with the CURRENT Situation that they held back the payments to the SNOs. They simply do this.

But the discussion turns in a circle.
The decision is made, the losers are the SNOs, the trust is lost.

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I’m not an expert in cryptocurrency stuff but I’m sure Storj will be able to manage this problem in the long run. Together with the bright minds here at the community.

But I do know a little about business and I really think the company is playing with fire here by postponing payments. I understand that the whole concept is not relying on a few SNOs that perhaps leave. But there is a risks that you feel less responsible to each individual SNO in the network. I really feel that that is happening now at Storj.

Storj has to pay their business partners. Period. If not they put the future of the company at stake. For those of you who are responding by saying postponing is not the same as not paying. Please keep in mind that current policy of postponing entails that as long as gas prices are rising fast enough you never reach the threshold. It is a risky situation we are in know. What would potential tardigrade customers think of this situation. You can have a rocksolid technical solution for data redundancy, reliability, but that is worthless as long as you don’t have a stable system to pay SNOs.

2 suggestions.
Choose for paying fiat. I understood that there are some legal issues for some countries. Well, solve them or exclude those countries.

The second and more the interesting option for me is to offer SNOs the option to convert into shares in the company. I like the idea of postponing all payments to the moment the company is sold to Amazon or google.


100% ACK.
Post must be at least 20 characters.

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@chlortek @peppoonline @max-was-here
We cannot affiliate with any exchange for legally reasons and also it could be treated as a promotion or preferences of a specific exchange (attract attention of other regulators not only SEC). Moreover most of exchanges requires create liquidity and this is immediately attract attention of SEC, they always consider this as an attempt to use tokens as securities which is obviously not true.
So, it’s legally complicated solution. But I will ask our jure department to check this option again, even if I know the answer…

We really have not much options to solve the situation and we offered them many times. None of them is the best, but we do not have anything other at the moment.


The StorjLabs paying in the current not good situation. And had paying before. You can check that on blockchain.

So, why the trust should be lost? Because we did not send payout which is lower than a fee to transfer it?
We do not decline payouts, we accumulate them to send when it is economically viable. This is common sense. I believe no one want to send $10 worth of tokens with $26 fee.
You can opt-in for L2 and withdraw when you want and with fee which you agree.

We all (StorjLabs and SNO) cannot lower the fee anyhow. We all affected by this. I personally will not send any tokens with such a crazy fee. Do you?


Yeah, but you knew you were going to be paid in crypto, so you’re into crypto things now.

If this poses a problem, move on and rent out your hardware to someone who is willing to pay in a different way :slight_smile:


“Sorry to see you go, but thanks for the extra data!”
Lol, if that happens too often it won’t be a distributed network at all.

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There’s no danger of that becoming an issue.
I’d be surprised if more than 10 nodes left. And for those who thought the storjnet numbers showed nodes leaving…

There you go. According to their numbers there are more nodes now. Not less.


I agree
I have payments this month but my 2 friends dont have and say me where is my money (40 and 10 dollars) when i tell them whats happen they are OK and just wait…
But please we need to have this money on dashboard as pending


et oui, ils se rendent pas compte que ce sont nous la base de leur projet. moi de mon coté j’arrête mes 6 noeuds de 48TO et ceux qui diront merci de leur laisser 48TO je leurs dit bonne continuation.
au fur du temps, je suis très déçu et rentabilité ca ne vaut pas la peine ( cout d’électricité, usure du matériel, etc)

Surely that doesn’t show the whole picture. To know what was really going on you would need information on storj’s repair costs to know if there was node churn in process.

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I’ve got no problem with getting paid in crypto. I’ve a problem with Storj postponing payments to whenever they like. Paying in crypto was part of the deal. But more important SNOs getting payed at all is the vital commitment of Storj.

If you find this behavior of Storj acceptable, please explain me if you find it acceptable when a SNO is expecting Storj to pay after a crash of their hard drive. “Sorry my drive broke down and my host is lost, but please continue to pay me and as soon as I find a new HDD, I’ll setup a node again. “

What’s the difference?

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