Minimum Threshold for Storage Node Operator Payouts

Have you considered that not everyone can or wants to open a binance account?


They’ve responded many times. But it’s a cost vs SNO retention & reputation problem at the end of the day. They’ve picked a balance that they find reasonable and doesn’t sink the project. I am certain it wasn’t an easy decision to make. But they are really quickly working on providing alternatives too.

I get the argument that they are too late… maybe they are. Maybe they should have seen this coming. But it’s not a priority until it suddenly is.

They’re intentionally engaging us and asking for feedback. I don’t think you’re interpreting their stance correctly here. They had only bad options on the table and chose what they considered the least bad option.


Nope, didn’t consider that yet. Thanks for the input.


Thank you for your reply!

Created new post regarding this issue.

a significant number of SNOs have an account there. It could be also possible to deal with different exchanges. I gave this idea a while ago, together with another (using held amount to help a SNO if he’s close to the threshold). What did Storj do? arbitrarily increased the payout threshold and proposed the L2 solution which is actually questioned in different thread (it’s pricy too). Can’t u see this is not sufficient? helping SNOs with my ideas would help a significant part of the users (if not to a majority). u just have to try instead of hiding under old forum users’ skirts. instead, what I read in current responses is that our posts are not constructive, not mentioning the ridiculous solution to buy tokens instead

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Whats about tardigrader?
Get they the option to use it and pay it later or maybe when they want? :sweat_smile:


btw, cooperating with binance would give a lot of extra credibility. later on, considering moving to bnb chain could only benefit from the marketing perspective

I actually can’t believe you could not foreseen all of this mess when you implemented that threshold. this was damn obvious - and it is hitting the fundamentals much

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Furthermore to this, not everyone can use Binance. In the US, there’s a whole different version of it to comply with US law, and then even then there’s certain states that can not use it ( : " Note: If you are a resident of Alabama, Alaska, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Vermont, or Washington, you will not be able to use a account (as of the publication date of this post). If this is the case, we recommend transferring your funds from to another wallet of your choosing." ) which causes more confusion and issue with adoption.

Edit to notate @chlortek’s point- this list is not current as of 2021-02-10, but quite a few are still on there.


The Binance - US exchange now offers direct trading of STORJ -USD as well as STORJ -USDT pairs, while the Binance -International exchange currently supports BTC, ETH, USDT and BUSD trading but not direct fiat pair.

storj could try to deal with ANY exchange, not just binance
they could even ask SNOs for their exchange accounts, even for a temporary solution - it would still be cheaper to pay a transfer fee inside of an exchange than to use eth gas for every transaction

tagging @Alexey just to be sure he will read that

btw - the list of US states in the post above is not up to date

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So how much development effort should be used to support every exchange that every SNO wants to use in each of their respective countries? This is not a viable solution either. What happens when that exchange gets hacked or closes up shop? And the argument that Binance is big and have been around and reliable for years is not a good argument as they could just as easily be offline tomorrow.


this is something
and if it helps like 30% of SNOs, it’s worth of considering
dealing with binance and kraken would probably solve the issue for the majority
it’s worth to find another ideas for remaining SNOs instead of doing nothing

all I mean are temporary measures - I don’t find your hack/offline points valid

It seems that the majority of SNOs that took this poll would prefer to wait for the threshold to be reached than to even use the zkSync / L2 solution.

There is no one solution to make everyone happy. Since Storj/Tardigrade is a business trying to make money, I am sure they have thought this through carefully before deciding on the L2 solution vs any of the other possible options.

Granted, I have been running nodes for a long time so I already have my own trust in Storj to pay me. That trust doesn’t come right away for new SNOs. But if Storj goes ahead and pays out all of these payments without mitigating the high costs of transactions, the entire venture could fail and then no one gets paid. I trust that they are doing their best to make this :poop: sandwich as palatable as possible since everyone here, including Storj, has to take a bite.

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there were only 2 ideas to pick and the threshold is much higher now. I don’t understand why some ppl are still blindly pasting this poll

btw - instead of using the crypto boom time to gain more users, storj team damages the project’s reputation - I find it ridiculous. This project is so old now and the number of nodes still so little.

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I like the idea of using a partner exchange like Binance.

This has a drawback however, the partner exchange(s) would be a single point of failure and it would turn the payouts centralised, breaking the decentralised nature of storj. However if this is optional could be an option, I have mixed feelings to be honest.

This part is funny, as if the payouts, being manually triggered, was not centralized already. Even saying that Storj is decentralized in nature is not really true IMO. When StorjLabs has control over all the satellites which in turn control the accounting and data distribution, sounds pretty centralized to me.
Storj is more of a distributed storage solution than a decentralized one.

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Also Binance had previously removed Storj from their market. Take a look at this for instance.

Binance will remove and cease trading on the following trading pairs at 2021/01/08 12:00 PM (UTC):

Exchanges can remove any crypto whenever they want.


Some of us has suggested that, they don even bother to comment. We only get comments from regular users that add to much noise to the threads.

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So when you post it’s a concern and when others do its “noise”. :disappointed:


Nope, its also noise!

I for one expect a comment/response from someone within StorjLabs to all the proposed solutions, but they are mainly absent.

So noise is what we have.

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how often does storjlabs need to answer officially to the same questions? Because all of those have already been answered multiple times officially.
And with all that “noise” in this thread it’s difficult to follow all messages…


As many as neccesary, why you or anybody here likes to do the job that they shoud be doing?

They don’t been active here in the forums only reflects that they dont care.