Minimum Threshold for Storage Node Operator Payouts

If you A.: make too little money each month to exceed the payout threshold and B.: still rely on your Storj income to pay your ISP bills, your business plan might not be the most solid.

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I think that’s the worst business plan ever, but does that justifies Storj changing the rules during the game?

Please show me some arguments why my comparison isn’t valid.

What is it, that it is so difficult for some of you to acknowledge that what Storj is doing now is fundamentally wrong?

I understand the situation they are in now and I feel that nobody is happy with it. Lot’s of forum-members are cooperating to solve the issue. And it’s really not a big thing for me money-wise. But there is a fundamental underlying problem with the checks and balances in the whole concept that should be discussed here.


Changing the rules may not be great, but wasting a f*kkton of money on fees would be borderline retarded and might be way worse for the project in general. Cut them some slack, man.

I did, others did as well.

I simply do not see it this way. I don’t care if you have to wait another month for your 5 USD at all. I wouldn’t mind waiting myself either.

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I would not be surprised if the team decided to “re-jig” the pricing structures for subscribers and SNO’s in the near future (And I think they should!!)

If gas prices are an inherent cost for the company I’d assume they would have had an estimate ‘factored in’ when working out how much to charge their subscribers and pay SNO’s

Now with these prices fluctuating wildly in recent months, (but still on an upwards trend) Storj will have to revisit their pricing structure sooner rather than later.

Its no use having the best prices if that means they can’t afford to pay out a large chunk of their SNO’s month to month.

The withheld payouts is hurting the “smaller” SNO (I’m counting the “sub 10Tb of space user” as small) I have 2 x 4Tb drives both full and barely get $30 in total a month so I’ve missed the last 2 payment cycles. New users might not see a payment for nearly a year, which is not great if you’re trying to have a “decentralized” storage system if only the bigger operators can afford to run it.


I think there will be an announcement 2 days before it takes in effect that from now on the SNOs has to cover the fees :stuck_out_tongue:
Please excuse my sarcasm :wink:


I think a year is probably accurate given the current progression. You probably stand a good chance of missing a third payment cycle with how things stand currently.


Exist chance, that I missed this post, my apologize. Thank you for correct me.
So, I agree with this “surge payments”.

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My 2c here.

Storj is a business and it needs to do 1 thing right now - implement alternative payout options. Immediately. Option 2 - start losing SNOs and experience a collapse. Sooner than you think/hope. Simple.

High gas fees are hitting everyone it is not an excuse. News flash - they will keep climbing rapidly for the rest of the year.

I can’t believe they still haven’t rolled out L2, fiat or whatever other solution. It is not rocket-science, just do it!

Regarding Ethereum ecosystem - it is in a total crisis and this will continue for quiet some time, so as a business - you better get your ass out of there now! Migrate or launch STORJ on Cardano or whatever as temp solution. Who cares about Eth! It’s not viable as part of anything right now and wont be until sometime next year at earliest with V2. Just watch the hell unfold…

And - improve your communication - this has been an issue for years - fix it! Competitors are laughing at this.

Having said that - I hope this is resolved quickly and everyone can move on. I love Storj ecosystem, dont break my heart, please!


When I see large dips like that where there’s only a few hundred of difference (eg, <=900), I somewhat attribute it to either bad update rollout to SNO’s or regional ISP links failing and coming back.

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L2 on Eth is perfectly fine - very secure etc. Have a look at Loopring for example. Getting the hell out of L1 is getting more painful by the day and very soon it will be too late unless you are a crypto whale. I can see many people getting “stuck” on L1 for a very long time. Watching fees climb. Until some day in the future it will be feasible again to withdraw/move.

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The whole point here is that losing SNOs is not a problem for Storj. There is plenty of capacity. Someone else will step in. My gut feeling: a drop of 50 % in SNOs doesn’t efffect tardigrade customer experience.


Exactly, a lot of nodes are not even near their full capacity. With the SNO’s that are leaving or saying they will leave, I’m taking this opportunity to add two nodes in to the mix, might not work out but seems like a good time to try and I’m sure other SNO’s are thinking this way.

sure… I just dont like businesses that depend on a large supply of suckers. Ponzis, Casinos, Amazon etc.

SNO’s should get paid. We appreciate our SNO’s. This is an unusual circumstance. Switching the way we payout is not something that can be quickly done. Anything that deals with the token can become a legal tar pit, as decisions can take weeks or months as the legal team goes through what we want to do and tell us what we can and cannot. It is not something as easy as just paying people with a different coin or FIAT. Not to mention the rather large technical and logistical developments that have to go into such a thing.

Nobody here is shrugging their shoulders at this and thinking you guys need to live with it. We are discussing options, looking for solutions, and having a lot of meetings to work out what is best. We take your feedback seriously, but please be patient. We have no intention of just watching fees rise faster than payouts and never paying anyone. There is just a lot that goes into this, and what we do won’t happen overnight. But we are working on it. Thanks.


I don’t think that migration to other blockchain could help. We did already in the past and there we are with the exact same problem. You can read here:

And also I think that more wide ETH community than any other new blockchain can offer much more solutions like batches, L2, ETH 2.0
The moving was a painful for sure, we still have requests to convert useless SJCX tokens to STORJ, even they are deprecated and not used since 2017 and converter closed in 2019.
We do not want to have this again, unless there would be a significant move from the ETH to other solutions (If that would happen, I believe the fee will become a normal again :slight_smile:).

Thanks for your feedback regarding communications, I forwarded it to the team. I hope that we moved further with communications over years though.


Alexey, it is not a universal problem by any means. I’m new here but I’d like to compliment you over how you deal with people. But, as you yourself have said you need to talk to others in storj as well and the responsiveness from those discussions is not in the same league.

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I actually think implementing their own block chain might be worth it. number of SNOs, the system could potentially use the processing power of the nodes to verify transactions. That could generate additional revenue for SNOs, reduce costs for STORJ, and use up some of that compute power that is just sitting idle on all of our nodes.

Hello @Schr0ding3rscat,
Welcome to the forum!

The own Blockchain is useless for storage offering, it requires additional resources from SNO, and will distract developers to invent and support another wheel. As you can see on SIA example, the mining is more profitable than offering space and if we invent an own Blockchain it would finish similar.
We do not want to offer another useless coin and build another one Blockchain with the only purpose to pay to storagenode’s operators. This also would be more complicated for customers, not all of them is ready to use unknown coin to pay for service, also having ERC20 token and coin in the same time will confuse many of them. Use only coin could create a hype around trading and complicated legally problems too. I even did not mention that it is another one migration, which is not desirable:


Thanks for getting back to me! First time posting of the forum, longtime SNO operator back from the SJXC days. I took some time read through the documentation for zksync, I definitely agree with the decision to go with them, it will provide the easiest access to the ETH blockchain while also reducing the workload on storj developers. I’m looking forward to the rollout.

I do wish that the transaction verification for STORJ was completed on its own subchain, with the transaction verification integrated into an end user file manager. As you mentioned, I dont think that would be a cost effective solution.


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This subchain is called L2 and we offer a zkSync as an implementation of that protocol.
It would allow you to receive payout as soon as possible and you can withdraw it to the L1 address when you want. The nice thing that you can withdraw directly to deposit of the exchange not only on your address.

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