Minimum Threshold for Storage Node Operator Payouts

Yes payouts are currently only at the end of a month.

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Hope so
If the GAS price does not go up again

Payout via zkSync almost not affected (the transfer fee on L2 is much lower than on L1:

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just wanted to update that I still haven’t received a payout. I opted for zksync long ago. Maybe a month ago.
When will the payout for April be?

hi @zeroheat, the payout is always in the first half of each month.

So I still might get paid this month. :slight_smile:
I will update the thread after 15th of May or if get paid before that.

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Storj Labs, how about your rules for minimum threshold payouts this month? :grinning:
Please look into your payouts


What’s going on?

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Perhaps they are closing their accounts. I wonder if the pause in payments was due to running out of eth for the transfers?

Those can easily be disqualified nodes or nodes that have been online for more than 30 days because they left the network for chia and got dqed.


@kevink is right. This is released payments to DQed nodes…


Strange approach… pay for DQ, not pay for SNOs that work well (because of high fees)…


There’s nothing strange about that. Should they just not pay people who get DQed or permanently leave STORJ?

It never crossed my mind that someone would not be paid

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We owed them money. If they DQed, there is no way for them to collect payouts to reach the minimum payout threshold.


I wish storjlabs were as generous to honest node operators. There was a transaction just recently for 0.0003932 STORJ tx and 0.00363804 ETH ($14.12) in gas was paid for it. You spent money to transfer some irrelevant dust to someone who shut down his node after a day and forgot about it, yet people who kept their nodes up and running had to wait for months to get the payout.


I can say I agree with this some of the addresses that got paid never gotten paid before this, and got pay well under the minimal amount and many others too… This is completely overlooked by storj and paid alot in fees just to DQed nodes when some nodes ran for months trying to make the minimal and yet didnt get paid.


Respect your honest SNOs - they are not given to you once and for all

I’m sad about what the 3 previous poster said… It doesn’t feel like you want to understand the problem. Storjlabs treats reliable SNOs honest, repectful and generous. Just because you don’t get paid tiny amounts of dust and someone else who left/got dqed does, doesn’t change that fact.
I could write a lot more about what’s wrong with each of your sentences but I just don’t feel like it…


@deathlessdd @peem @hoarder
We pay to operators what we owed, even if they managed to be DQed…
We trying to be honest with operators, I’m sad to read your comments after all…

Perhaps we would correct the logic, but it should be done before payouts start.

We are listen our Community, the Minimum Payout Threshold was implemented after suggestions from the Community (see What if Ethereum gas prices stay high?, Update for June payout, Update for August payout)

So I think we could implement rules how to manage owed sums for DQed nodes, if they are too low.


I’m a little surprised to see the responses here. Paying SNOs who have ended their relationship with Storj seems like the right thing to do. We all may be in that situation at some point in the future.

I think it’s unfair to twist that into treating reliable nodes worse than unreliable ones. We all get that same treatment if we choose to leave or get disqualified.

Now it may be a little wasteful in some scenarios. But let’s not lose sight of the fact that Storj Labs is doing this merely to ensure they always pay what SNOs are owed. Imposing any limit on final payouts would mean some payouts never happen. And we know people will surely complain about that no matter how small the amount.