More than one Storagenode on windows GUI

As I spoked before there is posible to install more than 1 GUI node on windows.

For this you neede.
1)Copy of you first node folder in program files with name like Storj1, and delete storajenode.txt old log from this map
2)New indentiry in separete location.
3)change config.yaml
console.address: localhost:14003 - this port should be unic
identity.cert-path: C:\Identity1\storagenode/identity.cert - path to your new indentiry
identity.key-path: C:\Identity1\storagenode/identity.key - Indentiry CA sert
kademlia.external-address: : - External port should be unic and NAT made
log.output: winfile:///C:\Program Files\Storj1\Storage Node\storagenode.log - Log path should be corrected
server.address: : - should be unic, to this port you will rote by NAT from external IP
server.private-address: - Should be unic
storage.allocated-disk-space: 3.4 TB
storage.path: G:\

4)Add new service with this row with corected paths.
Open CMD as Administrator
sc.exe create StorjV3StorageNode1 binPath= ““C:\Program Files\Storj1\Storage Node\storagenode.exe” run --config-dir “C:\Program Files\Storj1\Storage Node\”” type= own start= auto

Go to services and Start new Storagenode service.
Go to dashboard to check if all working.
Not working Go and check storagenode.txt for error.