My dashboard showing offline

My node for all satellites is currently offline

forwarded port alr




Did you try in chrome browser or with CTRL F5 ( refresh ) ?

alr still offline

Look at the uptime. It has reset from 28 minutes to 2, so I think it must be restarting.
The last contact time - it has never made contact?
Over to people with windows experience … but that browser looks like “edge” to me

i restart service 1 time that why it reset from 28 to 2 mins

have some connection but my node still offline

google chrome

Can you check if your identity folder has 6 files ?

have only 4

Your identity is not signed. Follow all the steps given in documentation to fix this.

ok lemme generate new identity

rip lol

That’s lot of CPU usage.

1d later

best difficulty 35 xd

I got one once after less than a minute but another took 3 days - all luck

Not that I’ve got thousands of nodes, but I did some speed tests a while back

Why? You just needed to sign it.

You need to have only to sign it:

But I think you already deleted a previous one.

2 posts were split to a new topic: My node offline (RHEL8)

ok i know rn why my identity have only 4 files

i forgot to Authorize the identity