My Node Will Not Update

@BigDaddio Please manually install the v1.14.4 updater once again. You are running the buggy version v1.12.3 which will fail to restart the updater service.

Your node is also running on v1.11.1 still. After you updated the updater, then you should be good.

so i stop both services and run “storagenode-updater.1.14.4.exe run”

I then get
2020-10-09T14:12:40.307+1300 INFO Invalid configuration file value for key {“Key”: “log.caller”}
2020-10-09T14:12:40.310+1300 FATAL Unable to find storage node executable binary.

You should just replace the storagenode-updater.exe with the storagenode-updater.1.14.4.exe (the name should be storagenode-updater.exe) then restart the storagenode-updater service

thanks Alexey. changed it this morning and an hour later when I checked it’s running 1.14.4

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