New dashboard project for SNO

Hi everyone,

I’m a storj node operator like many of us here…

I’m currently in the later stages of testing my new dashboard and want to get some testers along side myself and a friend who are also SNO

The setup for this dashboard requires you to be able to install NGINX

For anyone interested drop me a message via this forum



I like to keep things public why not post it so anyone cant take a look and test it? I think everyone is looking at better and easier ways to monitor there nodes.


Hi @deathlessdd

We’re currently still in development/testing stages but we’re keen to get some SNOs onboard and tell us what things they’d like to be able to see at a glance/easily accessible…

Our site is
Docs page

Let me know how you get on - any issues let me know


How does one sign up?

Any way to get this working on windows?

Hi @thelastspark I’m currently testing in windows virtual machines and will have documentation published in coming weeks !

Watch this space !

Will update on this thread



I’m also down to do some tests/troubleshoot on more bare-metal windows machines if it helps!

It would be a lot easier to have this as a docker image. I’m not really happy with installing it in root and having to also install nginx and PHP. This would also make it easier to install on windows.

To be honest, I’m also not really thrilled about having to expose any stats publicly on an open port, without authentication.

Very true. But instead of everyone starting their own dashboard project it may be more fruitful to improve the existing multinode.


Heyyy @BrightSilence
Thank you for the feedback

One of the things we are looking to create is a HTTP Authentication between the checking servers and your NGINX so that a specific header with a key/hash is required to be able to see the json data.

Currently looking into the Windows install for NGINX/PHP and creating some automated batch for people to easily use for install/setup

Installing in the / (root) location is simply just for logging and to make it easy to find however in future setup may look to place them into /var/log/


Hii @thelastspark

Thank you for that!

Once we have the install/batch we will get in touch regarding some testing


Heyy @deathlessdd
Looking to be live with signups next week during a testing phase and to help us develop it further


I agree with this. It’s open source, so anyone could contribute to it instead of making their own dashboard. And multinode uses the storage nodes native authentication as well, keeping it all in the hands of the SNO.

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I agree with both @BrightSilence and @jammerdan: I don’t think creating yet another dashboard is the right approach.

Please consider improving the existing one instead :slight_smile:


Hii @Pac @jammerdan @BrightSilence
Appreciate your feedback on this so far, however this dashboard is quite abit different - I don’t have any screenshots to hand… but when I have chance I will post here for yourselves and others to make decisions…

In terms of seeing source-code, during install its obtaining the latest install files via our Github which is publicly viewable GitHub - storjdashboard/storjdashboard: Storj Dashboard for Storj Node Operators providing top-down analytics so you can see entirely what its doing from yourside.

As highlighted from @BrightSilence around Authentication, thats something we have looked into and is actively being tested at the moment :slight_smile:


I dont agree I do not use the multidashboard because its trash. It doesnt even compete with my loki dashboard… I want more information about my node aka audits errors logs etc, the amount of money difference I make per day. So more people who wanna improve on there own dashboard the better it will be because people like to work on there own projects vs improving someone else… Plus storj tracks the multidash and I do not like any type of tracking.

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I’ve got my own dashboard as well. It’s console-based, not web-based, and it also integrates OS statistics like bandwidth used as measured by the kernel, system logs, some kernel-level I/O stats, data from temperature sensors… Integrating all that data into the multinode dashboard would be a huge task, and I wouldn’t even be able to test it on platforms other than Debian. Nothing wrong with making one’s own.

There is of course room for other solutions. My objection isn’t that someone built their own dashboard. I mean, I created an earnings calculator to display data not easily available on the regular dashboard myself. My objection is that this is externally third party hosted and I’m sending data to a closed source server. In my opinion this is going about it the wrong way and I would be handing over my data without knowing what happens to it. And for now it even exposes that data publicly on my IP. (Though it’s good to hear that is being worked on to resolve it)

Edit: In fairness to @ItsHass, it’s clear from the github that the script does strip out node ID and wallet ID locally. But is that enough?

I would mostly like to run it locally only as well, I dont wanna expose anything to the public but I wanted to see what the dashboard looked like.

Me too, but I’ll wait for screenshots for now.