New third node is offline


I am setting up my third node in my network as my second node is going to be filled soon. This is another rpi which I am installing storj.

I noticed that the status is offline and QUIC is misconfigured on the dashboard.
Here’s my log.

I tried to troubleshoot after reading the following.
ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed. tls peer certificate verification error: not signed by any CA in the whitelist: CA cert - Node Operators / troubleshooting - Storj Community Forum (official)
The identity is generated yesterday.
The storagenode docker is the latest version.
Both ports 28969 & 14004 are open (which I intend to use) when I check using

Guidance is greatly appreciated.

Hello @zeyacry,
please check your identity, it looks like not signed with a new authorization token.

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Thank you so much. I deleted the cert and key files on my rpi and copied the original ones over again and it works!

I hope the new unique identity, not the clone, otherwise both nodes - clone and original will be disqualified.

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Yes. It is a newly generated id. Thanks for the reminder!