woke up today to find out my no-IP had changed my actual IP… so Node out of line for around 8 hours… Any ideas/suggestions?
To Fix.-
Powersell stop-Service storagenode
Go into File - “%ProgramFiles%\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml”
Change actual IP in line 17 -
the public address of the node, useful for nodes behind NAT
contact.external-address: 85..****.:28967
(You will need Nodepad ++)
What do you mean?
No-ip is a Dynamic DNS service used to change the DNS registration when your actual public IP changes.
If no-ip service changes the IP linked to your no-ip DNS, it is probably because your actual public IP changed.
If not, could you explain a little bit more your problem?
Could you give us more details about your no-ip setup?
The No-IP does not provide the static IP address, their service providing DDNS hostname.
The IP address is provided by your ISP, only VPN services can change that (or use a different ISP )
Then you will configure the updater for that DDNS hostname (either on your router, or with their DUC application) to update this DDNS hostname, when your public IP got changed.
So, you should configure your node to use this DDNS hostname as your external address. Do not forget to add a port to the name via colon, i.e.:
-e ADDRESS=my.ddns.name:28967 for the docker
or contact.external-address: my.ddns.name:28967 in the "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml" file for the Windows GUI
To resolve the issue of your Node being out of line due to a changed IP, stop the storagenode service, edit the actual IP in the config.yaml file, and then restart the storagenode service.
Or register a DDNS hostname to do not do so every time when your ISP is changed your public IP.
The preferred way is to configure your router to update this DDNS hostname (usually in the DDNS section), and use the DDNS hostname instead of your dynamic public IP in the node’s configuration.