Node doesn't come up

My node got into this “state” and it seems that it will not move on.

$ docker logs -f storagenode
2020-03-25T17:05:40.501Z	INFO	Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2020-03-25T17:05:40.530Z	INFO	Operator email: .........
2020-03-25T17:05:40.530Z	INFO	operator wallet: .........
2020-03-25T17:05:41.282Z	INFO	version	running on version v0.34.6
2020-03-25T17:05:41.300Z	INFO	db.migration	Database Version	{"version": 31}
2020-03-25T17:05:42.080Z	INFO	preflight:localtime	start checking local system clock with trusted satellites' system clock.
2020-03-25T17:05:43.158Z	INFO	preflight:localtime	local system clock is in sync with trusted satellites' system clock.
2020-03-25T17:05:43.158Z	INFO	bandwidth	Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-03-25T17:05:43.169Z	INFO	piecestore:monitor	Remaining Bandwidth	{"bytes": 79873477550848}
2020-03-25T17:05:43.170Z	INFO	Node ......................... started
2020-03-25T17:05:43.171Z	INFO	Public server started on [::]:28967
2020-03-25T17:05:43.171Z	INFO	Private server started on
2020-03-25T17:05:43.171Z	INFO	trust	Scheduling next refresh	{"after": "4h21m20.126199544s"}
2020-03-25T17:05:43.326Z	INFO	version	running on version v0.34.6
2020-03-25T17:20:44.077Z	INFO	version	running on version v0.34.6
2020-03-25T17:35:43.950Z	INFO	version	running on version v0.34.6
2020-03-25T17:50:43.952Z	INFO	version	running on version v0.34.6

Following the topic:

I’ve got the expected outputs from all the inspection commands:

$ docker exec -it storagenode grep -c BEGIN /app/identity/ca.cert
$ docker exec -it storagenode grep -c BEGIN /app/identity/identity.cert
$ docker exec -it storagenode ls -l /app/identity
total 24
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000           518 Mar 19 21:07 ca.1584651191.cert
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000          1048 Mar 19 21:07 ca.cert
-rw-------    1 1000     1000           241 Mar 19 21:07 ca.key
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000          1056 Mar 19 21:07 identity.1584651191.cert
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000          1586 Mar 19 21:07 identity.cert
-rw-------    1 1000     1000           241 Mar 19 21:07 identity.key

Should I really need to issue again the certificates?
If so, why is that? I mean, what I can do to avoid this in the future?

More logs:

2020-03-25T18:05:43.159Z	INFO	bandwidth	Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2020-03-25T18:05:43.938Z	INFO	version	running on version v0.34.6

So this “bandwidth usage rollups” seems to be the issue…
Is it normal to this action to spend such time?
Is there anyway to check more logs about it?

I have seen this output when the external address is wrong. I put the wrong port number and it didn’t show an error but never got past the version line.

@andrew2.hart thanks!
Your point made me inspect the network traffic and I’ve noticed that nothing was happening.
So after a reboot the node came up again!

I’m pretty sure that the issue was with the noip2 service, as you said. =)