Not much action on my node after 6 months online

Hello Everyone
I’ve started Storj node 6 months ago and after I saw that vetting was done I expected that more traffic will be send towards my node, but after waiting months not much action is happening on my 99TB node. other than routers issue about week ago the node didn’t have any much of the major down times, I’m running it on windows 11, have Fiber optic internet with average UP and Down 300-400Mbps.
Any suggestions how to improve traffic on my node?

It all depends on customer activity, internet speed doesn’t matter that much. However, 5 TB is great for a 6 month old node in my opinion.

BTW: If this is a single 99 TB node you will likely run into serious problems over time. Storj is not designed to handle such big nodes.


Artificial uploads stopped at the end of August… so getting almost 1TB/month over the last 6 months is actually pretty good! I think all you can do is wait so your monthly withholding will go down and used-space will go up.

If you don’t have other /24s available to you, I can’t think of any tuning to make things grow faster.

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Few customers means little traffic. And a lot is being deleted right now and it won’t stop. I already removed several hard drives 6 months ago. Only what is necessary to save electricity. I’m at 5Tb after 20 months and I have a good setup. I have lost almost 2TB in the last 3 weeks.

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Really 5TB is that all I should expect this days? year ago I was running 10TB test node and was getting close to 8TB so I started this bigger node since this server was running anyway.
if it’s gonna struggle at 5TB I’d rather shut it down I guess it’s pointless. why wouldn’t it get more traffic? because of not enough clients? is this project fading away?

Yes, plenty of nodes (free space) but no customers who use it. Grafana


The max theoretical size of a node is 24TB right now, any larger and garbage collection won’t work well (you’ll have too much unpaid trash).

At current fairly low traffic levels, there is a maximum steady state size at a single IP address where your data can grow where deletions don’t outpace it. That steady state size could be highly variable. This month, January, I have 14TB at on IP across a few nodes. And I’d say data is mostly flat. maybe a tiny increase.

getting 5TB in the first 6 months is pretty good. vetting takes a long time. (and holdbacks on payments are longer, it’s nice to graduate past those)


thanks that graf is very informative and makes sense now

I guess I can shrink space? is it doable without messing up node?

Just set the allocated space in your config to whatever you want it to be. No issues.


99TB on a single node! Wow! That will fill up in… 20-30 years?
But I’m always curious about hardware and software. You can show it off here: