HI I restarted my computer because Bill Gates said I needed to restart it for an update it or he would do it for med. Anyhow, after that I followed the same steps to start my node and it remains offline. This is what I see
ID 1aCjf2tEh4VQyEsozrn6wNQ6cVNFaBcDCd8rYhacnFuDE5CQt6
Last Contact OFFLINE
Uptime 12m2s
Available Used Egress Ingress
Bandwidth 1.5 TB 40.0 GB 24.7 GB 15.2 GB (since Oct 1)
Disk 72.9 GB 0.9 TB
any ideas? I’m running windows 10 pro, 32GB Ram 1TB on C: and 1TB where the storj node is. Thx
It is a expected behaviour after removing Kademlia. Give it some time.
1 Like
October 7, 2019, 9:49pm
Your port is closed.
First of all, try to restart the Docker from the Docker desktop application.
Then, please, read this checklist:
ok, let check it together.
WAN IP on the main page of the router. Please, compare it with IP there: https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ , they should match
Local IP in the port forwarding rule, it should be the same as IP of your PC with docker
nslookup your.ddns.address should return the same IP as p.1
Firewall. It should have an incoming rule to allow any traffic from the any source to the TCP 28967 port and your PC as a destination. If you have any outgoing rule, then y…
You can use this command to setup your firewall:
Please run powershell as admin and execute:
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Storj v3" -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 28967 -Action allow
If you have added any outgoing rule - please, remove them or disable.
Please copy the output of the commands:
docker exec -it storagenode grep -c BEGIN /app/identity/ca.cert
docker exec -it storagenode grep -c BEGIN /app/identity/identity.cert
Please, check the firewall on your router. Something sometimes blocking traffic to your node.