Payment missing! PLEASE HELP!

If I’m not making any mistake, I think all orders my node are receiving are becoming unsent orders! In the solution you posted I did not understand the last part where orders must be removed from the orders.db file.

I check the link of the article: “” and I’m getting difficulties to understand.

Can you please tell me the exact step to follow for GUI window version node?
I have to download sqlite3 and them paste this command line "sqlite3 /path/to/orders.db “delete from unsent_order;” " and that’s all?

I’m removing orders from the orders.db using command line:

sqlite3 /path/to/orders.db “delete from unsent_order;”

But its not working, am I doing anything wrong?
I tried both on cmd and PowerShell

What you need to do is move all of the orders (V1 files) from the unsent folder and then put the valid ones back.

  1. Stop the node
  2. Create a folder in the unsent folder called backup
  3. Move all files (V1 files) in the unsent folder into the backup folder you created
  4. Move any files that are less than 48 hours old from the backup folder back to the unsent folder
  5. Restart your node.

You should see the files in the unsent folder being removed. Watch the logs using the following command in powershell:
Get-Content "$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log" -Tail 20 -Wait

If you don’t see any messages related to unsent orders, everything should be working again. The unsent folder should (in general) have less than 10 files in it at any given time, since orders are sent on a schedule.

I already followed these steps, check screenshots!
There are 308 files in the orders\archive folder and 8 files in the orders\unsent folder!
What about the last step removing orders from the orders.db file?

Everything looks good. There is no need for you to remove anything from the orders.db file. Check your unsent folder in an hour. If there are more than 10 files, there may be other steps that need to be taken.

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I just checked my nodes and some of them do have more than 10 files in the orders/unsent directory. Should I be worried?

First you should check you logs for unsent order errors. If there are errors related to order settlement, then there could be a problem.

The 10 value is based on your node creating a new flat file every 30 mins for each of the 5 active satellites, and orders being settled once per hour. If an order settlement cycle failed for some reason, you could accumulate more than 10 files, although this isn’t immediately a problem. I would be concerned if I saw files greater than 24 hours old. Orders are accepted by the satellite up to 48 hours old, so beyond that you have a more serious problem.

The 10 files rational is based on my own experience with my node, and may not be true in all cases. Could be more, could be less.
–edit 2–
After checking on my nodes, just prior to order sending I had 15 files in the unsent folder. Just after I had 10 files. I am unsure how the software works with respect to when it creates new flat files, but it must be something other than time based. I tried looking at the code, but gave up trying to find the mechanism that decides when to create a new file.

I currently have 15 files on 2 nodes, the 3rd is a lot smaller and has 10 files. But I haven’t missed any orders the last month so that should be fine.
I would be worried if those files are older than just <2 hours.

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What do I grep for? .

I would try “orders” and “ERROR” in the same line. I haven’t seen any order errors myself, so I can’t say 100%. If you just grep for “orders” you will see all of the successful sends (and possible errors).

Hmmm… not having any. Well, tough luck!

You already deleted unsent orders from the orders.db with the cmd variant.
If you wonder, in PowerShell you should use a .\sqlite3.exe to run the executable in the current folder, but cmd is run it without additional .\ before the executable.

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Hi Everyone, late to the party, so sorry if this was already covered. But I’m confused on what the status is for the discrepancy in October payments. Are we still waiting for a response or is there something I need to do in regards to ‘unsent orders’?

Based on what I understood from @baker’s post, I should have around 10 to 15 files, and @baker’s next post, if the files are older than 24 hours, I should be concerned.

I have files that are there from last month, and 2000+ files lol. Attached pics. Audits are all ok, steady egress and ingress. Did a 1000 line log, instead of 40, and only saw 1 error (attached), everything else was upload started, uploaded, and downloaded.

That’s unfortunate. You can safely delete files that are older than 48 hours as the orders in those files have expired. Since these orders were never sent you have lost payment for them. You may have wondered why you received less payout for October, now you know.

At any given time you shouldn’t have more than 15 files in unsent folder, at least 5 is good. Order files are created every hour and after the hour is up they are sent.

You can ignore that error since it was related to failed upload and won’t negatively impact your node.

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Ok that sucks, but oh well. Thanks for the detailed reply. Any reason why the orders were never sent?

Also, does this mean that the script will state an amount that doesn’t factor in this loss? As my script and the payment shown in the dashboard don’t match. uses data from database to estimate what you should be paid. If orders are never sent then satellites have no way of knowing how much to pay. can’t communicate with satellites (yet) so it can’t factor in those losses.

Ahh ok, makes sense. Thanks. So coming back to the good old question, why are the orders not being sent? Is it something wrong on my end?

If you have logs redirected to a file then you could search for listing orders error message to find out which error was shown.

I don’t, but could I use docker logs storagenode 2&1 | grep 'listing orders'?

You should redirect your logs which helps in such situations.

You can search your current log too.