Please explain zkSync withdrawal to VISA-USD as you would explain it to 5 year old

Please explain zkSync withdrawal to VISA-USD as you would explain it to 5 year old.

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First activate zkSync and get paid on L2, they have the same address system like Ethereum. You can see your funds at or

Then you let the STORJ accumulate for any time you like - pls dont send them to L1 every payout and let them sit(!) there, withdrawal in bulk to save costs.
There is a one time activation, done via the wallet.zksync. Using that wallet you can start a 'withdrawal ’ anytime (eg gas price is low) to any L1 address. You could send it directly to an exchange L1 address, just check if yours supports smart contract deposits (eg coinbase dose).

Be advised: In wallet.zkync ‘transfer’ is used for L2->L2 and 'withdrawal ’ for L2->L1.

Extra: IMO you can wait a few weeks till argent launches:

Our L2 wallet will start with:

Onboarding directly to L2. We can massively reduce the cost of onboarding by not needing a single L1 transaction.

Trading key tokens . This can start with as little as 5 pairs and grow over time. We’ll start with a few market makers and then integrate an AMM once available on zkSync.

Buying crypto with fiat currency directly in L2. We’ll work with Ramp to make this possible from launch. We’re also confident a wider range of onramps and exchanges will soon add onramps to L2.

Lets just hope they add STORJ

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