Polygon network

does anyone know if the team is planning on making payments through polygon network to reduce fees and increase payments . As I understand it we only get paid when the ETH fees are 25% or less then the total to be received. Poly is pennies to transfer. Which would mean more tokens and more frequent payments. I think this would be a big boost to the project.

You missed out on payments though polygon it didnt have enough people onboard and now they stopped doing it. There obsessed with zksync and could care less about polygon. I tried to push for polygon but no one switched to it so it died out.
Less you mean paying for storj with polygon, They for sure arent gonna make that switch…

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March 2023 payouts are the last payout to utilize Polygon .


If you use zksync, and swap to something that orbitor finance can use to polygon, you will still make more $ than just polygon.

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