I did not change anything on network/config level. Other nodes runs in different containers from the same NAS and network (only different port of course).
There will be no issue with Synology itself as all the drives/nodes are the same but only this one is Misconfigured. When configuring it I am use this pattern:
Hmm this wasn´t problem till now and other nodes are behind the same router.
I have tried now recreate this node and set other port which I have opened on router of course.
Now all green but let see within few hours.
If you have several network interfaces (local IPs) for your setup, you may bind this container to the IP, which is provided in the port forwarding rule, i.e.
Now the node is working without QUIC issue. Not sure why just one port is issue as it was forwarded on Router the same way as other ports/nodes.
I will try latter return port to original one and will see.
Because you are on Syno, check my replys in “Please enable TCP-fastopen” thread. You should use network host mode and use unique ports for each node. Check also “My docker run commands for Synology”. I will link both threads later.
In the docker run command, use the same ports for internal and external, not the default for all internals. Or use the network host mode with different ports; just mimique my commands that I reffered to in the other post, and all your problems will go away. I used the same default for all myself. I tried every combo. Dosen’t work on syno using the same internal port.
I believe it’s related to a new version 1.90.2 this time:
This will work ONLY if you also change the internal port in the config.yaml or with a flag --server.address, otherwise it must be 28967, because it’s a default port.
because your docker network is configured to be shared between containers. This is not default for Linux setups.
If you going to switch to the host network, then you do not need -p options (because NAT will be disabled), and need to specify all ports to be unique, include internal ones.
Not working QUIC doesn’t affect the online score. You may try these two options above to see, can it help or not. I do not think that a potential issue with QUIC will be resolved soon, it’s a low priority and appearing only on freeBSD so far.
I checked my only 2 nodes machine and I have Quick missconfig on both. Both are on 1.90.2. The one node machines don’t have this issue. I use network host mode, all different ports for both nodes, and it’s the first time since Quick implementation when I have this error and can’t get rid of it.