Realistic earnings estimator

0 would mean it’s not even finding yours… that’s odd. Are you sure you are checking the correct IP/domain?

Edit: we’re discussing further in PM’s. We’ll share if we find anything. So far I think the node wasn’t counted because of a dynamic IP. likely just hadn’t seen it on the new IP yet.


The earnings estimator was for some reason made private again… I made it publicly available again. If you have requested access, you won’t get a separate notification, just try again. It should work now.


My first node hit 10TB after 26.5 months! :money_mouth_face:

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Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’entrate

I heard a different story - new nodes filling faster. I have no free space to try.

My old node is filling up a bit faster:

And soon I’ll face a question - do I expand the virtual disk to get more data or is the test data going to be deleted soon enough that I would not need to do it.

All my nodes, old and new, have gained 1.6TB/node last month. I don’t know how long this will last. Soon I will have to buy new disks. I didn’t saw any test data removed, but increasing. And when they decide to stop adding and start removing it, it will be a slow process I think.

Old and new, more than 2TB.

Man! More than 2TB/node? Why I only got 1.6TB? Give me your address, I will move there :smile:. Some others said also that they got more than 2TB… well… it’s still much better than previous months.

Look at the egress. It’s hard to understand why there is so much spreading. My node3 is going crazy at all. It has only 5tb of data stored but over 1 tb egress :smiley:

Yeah, you’re right. I didn’t noticed. Very strange. My 8 nodes are localized to a small geo area, and the engress is different according to data stored. They are started at different months. Your’s have all the same age? Are localized? Or use VPN/VPS a take IPs all across the country?
The engress depends very much on the data stored. For the oldest one, I have 1TB, for the youngest - like 300-400 GB.

Look at node size vs Net in. If these nodes are brand new, they are filled in 5-7 month. So you get 25-50% of the calculated money, due to the held%… and most probably you will never see that money. As soon as they are filled, egress drops, so payment goes down…

I have 6 nodes, node 1-3 are nearly the same age.
4 are based in germany, 2 in us. but i think it doesnt care much. the ingress of all nodes is nearly the same.

The egress is verry dependent of geo location of you and your clients, aka the ones that have file pieces on your node. Maybe geo location is not the proper term. The link between you and them is PTP, they download directly from your node. If you are the closest, in terms of network pathways, you can win the race and the piece is downloaded from you, instead from others. Your piece has other copies in the network. The ingress works somehow different; your node is chosen to store a piece for the client. The egress instead is a race to upload the piece to client. So you can have the same ingress on nodes from different locations, but when clients download those pieces (egress), nodes are winning races differently.

There is overprovisioning and long tail cancelation on uploads as well. They start 110 transfers and stop the rest after 80 finish. So it’s a race in both directions.

I have to say it. There’s ingress and egress. Not engress, which happens to confusingly be 1 letter away from either word, making it hard to decipher which you actually mean, depending on the context. I got it from context this time, but I figured I’d let you know there is no n in egress.


:rofl::man_facepalming:t2: I realy need to change my glasses


I’ve extended your dashboard so that starting date can also be inputted to more easily know in which month we’re now currently. This is how it looks like:

The user can configure the start date and the sheet shows past months in light green, the current month in yellow and future months in light gray.

The user can even simply use a date picker to chose their date!

Here is a copy sheet from where you can copy the formulas and conditional formatting.
Know, that I’ve also done changes in other parts in the above sheet, so you cannot simply copy-paste the entire sheet. Please only take the specific cells with the date stuff.

What do you think?

Feel free to integrate it into your sheet if you want!


Since all the troubles in the last months, the earnings calculator does not work for me at all. Moon numbers. Haha. :innocent: :v:t2:

I’ve had some unfortunate down times due to file system issues and home renovations. So at the moment I don’t have reliable data to update. But yes, I recognize that things have changed somewhat. I’m open to someone else providing substantiated alternative numbers for the parameters on the top right.


According to the calculations, with 46TB of space and download and upload speeds of 100 mbps, I will earn an average of $114 per month? is it right?
Anyone can write the formula to calculate it
I didn’t understand anything from the Excel file