Release preparation v1.42

We are targetting an open development process. One aspect of it is a more transparent release process.
We decided to post pre-release version on GitHub
It also includes new uplinkng-beta binaries, it may contain unwanted behaviour or bugs so we appreciate any feedback on it and recommendations.

Here are the changelog of this release:


  • [+ c54bcd63] Makefile: bump node to v16
  • [+ f82b6968] mod: bump common dependency
  • [+ 56f35e9e] mod: bump private repo
  • [+ df6cf60f] go.mod: update to minimum supported go version (#4239)
  • [+ 1409288c] mod: bump semantic version to go 1.17


  • [+ 331132be] web/satellite: Fix support link on registration page
  • [+ bb21551a] satellite/satellitedb: remove references to contained column in nodes table
  • [+ 56fe6361] satellite/{reputation/satellitedb}: remove references to contained column in reputations table
  • [+ d7812a3b] satellite/console,web/satellite: add slider and unit toggling to project limit updating
  • [+ 8a0a2335] web/satellite: Fix typo in 2FA popup (#4221)
  • [+ 4bbf667a] satellite/{satellitedb,attribution,console}: value attribution changes that add userAgent field to buckets table and all tables that have partner_id
  • [+ 35e4a87e] satellite/repair: ignore expired segments at the beginning of the repair work
  • [+ 4ad7056b] satellite/payments: Add old invoice list functionality
  • [+ f5f23984] satellite/metabase: remove code related to part deletion
  • [+ 8293c965] satellite/metabase: speedup iterator tests
  • [+ 4a146000] satellite/metainfo: read from DB only needed columns fro bucket
  • [+ 51f488fc] satellite/satellitedb: fix selection query with AOST
  • [+ d250f9df] satellite/core: fix label for orders chore (#4228)
  • [+ 8d18033a] satellite/rewards: adding SeaweedFS to partners list (#4230)
  • [+ 00094477] satellite/console, web/satellite: feature flag for new navigation structure
  • [+ b619ce69] web/satellite: new nav project dropdown
  • [+ 0aab339d] web/satellite: links and dropdowns for new navigation sidebar
  • [+ 9773197c] web/satellite: new nav account area and vertical layout fixes
  • [+ 187941ff] satellite/{metabase,metainfo}: add some missing monitoring
  • [+ b32fbc0f] satellite/metainfo: speedup deletion tests
  • [+ f654c3ae] satellite/gracefulexit: drop unused column in graceful_exit_progress
  • [+ 39891070] web/satellite: add feature flag for new browser
  • [+ f2d8e97d] satellite/satellitedb: simplify select nodes query construction
  • [+ 50baefa1] satellite/metabase: limit maximum number of parts and size
  • [+ f654c3ae] satellite/gracefulexit: drop unused column in graceful_exit_progress
  • [+ df44e815] satellite/admin: Move declaration before first usage
  • [+ 0ed3ef0f] web/satellite: registation success page moved
  • [+ a281addd] web/satellite: auto-create first demo bucket for the user
  • [+ 6c2cb98d] web/satellite: fix onb CLI setup uplink download link
  • [+ 3c7e2893] satellite/matainfo: handle metabase errors in metainfo endpoint in common way
  • [+ 01cfbde5] satellite/console: increase free tier project bandwidth and storage from 50 GB to 150 GB and reduce free tier max projects from 3 to 1
  • [+ d90a1b09] satellite/console,satellitedb: add signup promo code column to users
  • [+ eb68dbad] satellite/satellitedb: fix ordering in listPendingTransitionShim
  • [+ c7e25701] web/satellite: tab adaptation for new navigation sidebar
  • [+ de38e2e7] satellite/metainfo: stop using sat StreamID Redundancy
  • [+ 20d03beb] satellite/nodeselection: flexible interface to includes nodes in selection
  • [+ 5bbb6988] web/satellite: improved responsiveness of new nav sidebar
  • [+ 1951450c] cmd/satellite: add register-lost-segments command
  • [+ 52f8c817] satellite/satellitedb: add segments column into invoiceprojectrecords table and drop not null constraint on objects column
  • [+ d441c8da] satellite: use segment count for billing
  • [+ fcde92d3] web/satellite: display segment count in billin


  • [+ 987cb6ab] cmd/uplinkng: allow removing pending objects
  • [+ 9ed826ea] cmd/uplink/mv: moving files between folders
  • [+ 85b49bb2] cmd/uplink: add ranged download to uplink cli


  • [+ 52c950e4] testsuite/ui/uitest: add Edge testing
  • [+ 29599dd7] testsuite/ui/multinode: add first node test
  • [+ 9c8b6c3f] testsuite/ui: Add coupon tests
  • [+ bdadc4b4] private/testplanet: add stack traces related to the planet
  • [+ 49492d28] testsuite/ui/satellite: test for new navigation sidebar
  • [+ 3e040767] testsuite/ui/satellite: fix tests to pass with new navigation
  • [+ 65d139fb] private/testplanet: create metabaseDB after reconfigure apply


  • [+ 4535da96] web/multinode: removed conversion for Expectations (#4216)
  • [+ 2df41028] storagenode/piecestore: add logs for restore trash endpoint

Let’s have some fun with the QA satellite. If you need an account on the QA satellite please let me know. I can send you an invite link.

Satellite UI Navigation
Currently deployed on the QA satellite is a new navigation. We identify a few bugs with the new navigation. Luckily we have a feature flag in place so we can release the new satellite version one way or the other. Even if we decide to go into production with the old navigation we will keep the new navigation enabled on the QA satellite. Your early feedback is welcome.

We are working on an uplink CLI redesign. For the time being it is called uplinkng. Once development is finished we will rename uplinkng into uplink. So it will replace the current uplink binaries at some point. See [Tech Preview] Uplinkng (new enhanced uplink cli) for more information.

Multinode Dashboard Payout Estimation
A small bug fix but with a huge impact. The multinode dashboard can now estimate the total payout of all storage nodes.

QA test network
The QA satellite is connected to 300 storage nodes. We are currently setting up a second version control service ( The current storage node updater can’t deal with release candidates. We have a fix incoming and can hopefully soon start to build a public test network with automatic updates. See Please join our public test network for more information.

Pre Release Binaires
All binaries are available on github. That way you should be able to test early without having to compile the binaries yourself. The multinode dashboard fix is nice. You don’t have to wait for the release next week. You can try it out early :slight_smile:

That are a lot of changes this time. I have the feeling I might have missed an important change. @igaass @Andrii anything you would like to add?


In this new thread please mention if SNOs will be paid for this usage under testnet. Most of us are familiar that an interaction with testnet has no real monetary value hence a clarification would greatly help.


Deployment postponed because @heunland raised a great question. Included in this release is a limit update. The free tier limit was 3 projects with 50 GB each. The new limit will be 1 project with 150 GB. What happens to old customers that can still create 2 additional projects? At the moment they will get 50 GB + 150 GB + 150 GB as free tier. → We need to revert the limit update or fix this issue.

We have also decided to not enable the new navigation in production. The developer team is looking for feedback. It is running on the QA satellite. → We can test this on the QA satellite first, collect feedback and improve the new design without having to detonate all of our production satellites.


Is it possible to notify when the new changes can be tested? I don’t want to test in the middle of any update sprint.

50GB already seems like a very generous free tier. Backblaze’s free tier is 10GB, Amazon’s is 5GB. I’ve been doing all my testing and tuning using the free tier until I ran into a segment limit because I was forcing unusual situations. 1 project with 50GB seems like plenty to me for new customers to evaluate the service. Let existing customers keep their 3x 50GB as a thank you for early adoption, if that’s the easiest thing to do.

Backblaze does mention they will increase the free limit on request if customers need a higher limit for their evaluation. And you get to find out more about the customer’s use case.

Yes. I hope the developer team will write down some more details. I have heard rumors about upcoming changes to the billing page. It would be great if the team could tell us what we can test now and what kind of change we have to image for future releases.

1 Like

First of all thank you for your feedback. This will help us to develop our product into the right direction.

The fix itself is not that easy. Our first idea was indeed that simple fix. @stefanbenten pointed out that our dirty workaround will only work for this specific limit update. Next time we will face the same issue again. On top of that he also raised the question how community satellites should handle this. We have to design the system in a way that community satellites can set the free tier limit to any value they like and not to the value we need for avoiding issues…

The promising fix is now this:
That will save the free tier limit in the user table. So old users would still get 50GB for every new project they create. That sounds like a solution that should also work for any future limit update.

Only issue is timing. On one hand I would love to include this fix and get the updated limit out. On the other hand I can’t delay the release for too long because other teams also want to see their updates deployed in production. Some of them might get blocked if we don’t deploy it. That is the moment reverting the limit change comes into play.

Here’s Wasabi’s free tier policy:

Does Wasabi have a free service tier?

In short, no. Wasabi does offer up to 1 TB of storage for free for up to 30 days for new trial customers. During this 30 day trial period, there is no charge for usage. After the 30 day trial period (or at any point during the 30 day trial period), a Wasabi user can enter in a credit card to remove the 1 TB limit and continue using Wasabi as a paid subscriber. Once a user enters in a credit card and becomes a paid subscriber, all usage charges become billable from the date the credit card was submitted.

The idea of a time limit is pretty good because it forces new customers to actually do their evaluation. And with a time limit, it’s not so critical how much free space you give out. Storj can send out daily emails the week before the deadline and display warning pages on the web site, suspend their access after N days until a credit card is entered and billed, and a week or two later with no credit card, delete the data.

IIRC, with Backblaze you always get 10GB free and only pay for usage above that. It’s also a decent policy, but only works if the free tier is small.


Eh, it’s not that easy. There were two places that lost me as a potential customer only because after registering for a trial it turned out that I had different things to do, and then when I finally got back, it was already too late. So I gave up. Both of these were for a business purpose. I can’t exactly reserve a full fixed time window only for evaluation of a third party service that might turn out to be inadequate for my purposes after few days.