Release preparation v1.76




  • 6942da3 web/satellite: migrate account upgrade modal to composition API
  • e0c3f66 web/satellite: display correct prices in account upgrade modal
  • 2a63225 satellite/{contact,satellitedb}: preserve node message debounce support
  • fb12717 web/satellite: fix passphrase switching outside object browser
  • 98b8248 satellite/overlay: update country code on every node check-in
  • 9feee86 web/satellite: add ab testing pinia module
  • 2dee4c9 web/satellite: migrated navigation AccountArea to use SFC composition api
  • 01f0e60 satellite/payments/stripecoinpayments: retry API calls with exp backoff
  • 6a99e3d web/satellite: migrated MobileNavigation component to use SFC composition api
  • a588f96 web/satellite: migrated UpgradeNotification component to use SFC composition api
  • 2922eee web/satellite: migrated components to use pinia ab testing module instead of Vuex
  • 7c68b51 satellite/{console,db}: add onboardings columns
  • fd28a66 web/satellite: introduce access grants pinia module
  • be56702 web/satellite: fetch frontend config from the satellite
  • 41bfbbe satellite/console: add endpoint to get user settings
  • ef5ebc9 satellite/satellitedb: fix panic when calculating project usage
  • 3deddb5 web/satellite: migrate AccessGrants components to use SFC composition api
  • 736f97b web/satellite: migrate AG ConfirmDeletePopup to use SFC composition api
  • 9a87da1 web/satellite: migrate AuthorizeArea to use SFC composition api
  • 0fd43ca web/satellite: migrate ProjectsList to use SFC composition api
  • 8668e0c web/satellite: migrate ProjectsListItem to use SFC composition api
  • e4d9f86 satellite/{web, console}: remove old access grant and billing flows
  • f3d37f3 web/satellite: migrate DeleteBucketModal component to use SFC composition api
  • aa66faf web/satellite: migrated ShareBucketModal component to use SFC composition api
  • e9c1488 web/satellite: migrated BucketNameBullet component to use SFC composition api
  • 6857a48 web/satellite: change onboarding trigger
  • 174308f web/satellite: migrated BucketsDropdown component to use SFC composition api
  • d407408 web/satellite: migrated BucketsSelection component to use SFC composition api
  • ed70a03 satellite/{console,db,analytics}: better warning handling
  • fd1a94a satellite/accountfreeze: add debug logs
  • e750f6f satellite/accountfreeze: change price threshold default
  • ae59473 satellite/accounting: Use metabase.AliasPiece with tally observer
  • 54b6e16 satellite/metainfo: drop MultipleVersions config flag
  • 5d94ea4 web/satellite: migrated DurationPicker component to use SFC composition api
  • a6323c5 web/satellite: migrated DurationSelection component to use SFC composition api
  • 9b3eefb web/satellite: update hard coded free account limits to be dynamic
  • 102db3d web/satellite: migrated ProjectSelection component to use SFC composition api
  • cd51044 web/satellite: migrated UploadFile component to use SFC composition api
  • 0da9430 web/satellite: migrated PermissionsSelect component to use SFC composition api
  • 1480b5b web/satellite: migrated AGName component to use SFC composition api
  • 7921add web/satellite: make pinia modules more independent
  • bef60f8 web/satellite: introduce notifications pinia module
  • dc9cbe3 satellite/metabase: sort stats by creation time not number of entries
  • f8e8f3a web/satellite: Implement coupon code billing UI enabled flag
  • 8495c4a web/satellite: Update exit paths for pricing plan modal
  • 2036fdd satellite/console: Update onboarding logic
  • 64f092a web/satellite: fix for object browser locked objects
  • 07690cb satellite/satellitedb: add package info to customers db
  • 3807d30 satellite/payments: add Balances interface
  • ce723df satellite/console: purchase package grants credit
  • b546100 web/satellite: Slight update to pro account details in upgrade modal
  • 2b8b6ab Revert “satellite/payments: add partnered field to coupon struct”


  • 58f465c storagenode/piecestore: improve cancelation detection logic
  • 00420b5 storagenode/piecestore: better monkit metric for download


  • 2c28a0e cmd/uplink: ability to opt-out from object key encryption

The nodes which have updated to this version have started spitting out the following error from time to time.
2023-04-06T09:52:30.270Z ERROR piecestore upload failed {, "PUT", "error": "context canceled", "errorVerbose": "context canceled\n\\n\*Endpoint).Upload.func5:498\n\*Endpoint).Upload:529\n\\n\*Mux).HandleRPC:33\n\*Handler).HandleRPC:61\n\*Handler).HandleRPC:42\n\*Server).handleRPC:124\n\*Server).ServeOne:66\n\*Server).Serve.func2:114\n\*Tracker).track:35", s2319360}

Please ignore some alterations I made to make the logs more informative/compact. What I think is going on here is that this drpc closed error occurs when the piece is already committed but the error is a typical cancelation error, which now gets classified as failed upload.
What I don’t really know is whether in this case the node gets to keep the piece or it gets cleaned up in garbage collection. Either way, this seems like either a canceled or a successful transfer that wasn’t canceled quick enough to prevent it form being committed.

1 Like

Could you check in which folder the pieceID is stored?

Here is an example how to find it:

2023-04-06T12:39:24.945+0200    INFO    piecestore      uploaded        {"Process": "storagenode", "Piece ID": "RUOW6WNLIYQZ2Q4SUNN2DPUE54O3XMTNYPKI5BRS2GQULQ2E5VSA", "Satellite ID": "12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs", "Action": "PUT", "Size": 2319360, "Remote Address": ""}

storagenode/storage/blobs# ls */ru/ow*


That’s just one example. But yeah, in the folder for us1. But it happens on other sats too. Not sure what exactly you were looking for, but they are in blobs.

It means the piece is stored and was not moved into the trash folder. So just the logging isn’t great.

Sure, but will the node get to keep the piece? I think depending on that it should either be logged as a success or cancelation. I think the current error means that it was intended to be a long tail cancelation, but the message just didn’t get to the node on time.

Ps. I didn’t expect it to be anything other than a logging/stats issue. But the PR was specifically to improve that and had this opposite side effect, so I thought I’d point it out.

normal,?but dont know exactly.
windows or linux?
