Satellite dashboard

Failed to setup Buckets view. Cannot get gateway credentials: request URL is not provided

I now have this above issue I am using the “new project dashboard”

Sounds familiar to me:

My error is exactly as I posted so slightly different but that may be because I am using storj Sim
But is there any known solution i thought that I had to just add some url in my satellite config.yaml
I just don’t know what url to add

The funny thing is that us2 is also a test satellite but maybe that’s just a coincidence.
I have no solution so far. :cry:

Hmm so we can’t make a bucket on us2?(via GUI)
Well that is odd I believe I have a place to start working looking for a solution
The config.yaml has a blank commented out section for
The same url mine says is not provided but thanks jammerdan

At least I can’t. I don’t know if other members are having the same issue.

Is us2 open to anyone just like us1 if so I will have a look

I think yes. I haven’t tried if registrations are getting processed currently, but just try it:

Maybe to clarify as far as I understand the US2 is not testnet. So I believe US2 can be considered more as a test production satellite or something like that.

Ok thanks I tried and loading the project dashboard takes ages

I have a solution for this issue atleast the new project dashboard is much faster

Also do you know what project dashboard the production satellites use(new or old)

Now after enabling all the new things
Like console.newthen uncomment and enable them now I get this error

Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

Scratch that I left one false now that I fixed that it’s the same error

Sounds almost like my other error:

Lol. :laughing:

No, sorry.

Yeah, that kind of context is important to mention.
The gateway is a separate component, is it even included in Storj SIM?

Testnet is for testing new releases on satellite and nodes, US2 is for getting feedback on satellite UX updates I believe. It’s not production though, in the sense that your data may be deleted at any time.

The following info was provided by JT Olio:

storj-sim is a go binary that runs go binaries from storj/storj directly on your computer. Note that gateway-mt is not in storj/storj! storj-sim generates direct configs and starts them. There are some manual steps you need to take if you want edge services (and thus the web browser) to work. storj-sim is good for web development otherwise since you can run directly from your workspace.

On the other hand, storj-up creates docker compose files and allows you to build and run the network given a collection of git refs and gerrit reviews. storj-up includes edge services. storj-up is maybe closer to production.


I thought gateway st/mt did this
But do you know what I would need to do to add it to storj Sim

I also thought I saw mt or st referenced in one of the config/scripts

hey 1qazx,

if you wanted gateway-mt/st in concert with storj-sim, you’d need to build and run that manually yourself. I’d definitely recommend looking at storj-up instead (GitHub - storj/up: Docker-compose files for running full Storj network locally), as it’s a much more preferably way to get the whole stack up and running in a close-to-production kind of config.

1 Like

Thanks for the reply but I couldn’t get storj -Up running on my hardware arm
But I believe I have built gateway mt or st
As the command “gateway” returns info on using the command also where would I find the credential url the satellite config.yaml needs I have tried the address mt is running on using port 777 or 7777

But if it’s not possible at all using Sim I can certainly try to make up work on arm as originally I thought with some others that Sim wouldn’t work on arm but i managed to make it work

@tessa when I try storj-up (docker compose up -d) then docker compose PS
I only see redis started and they all except it say exited

ARM is definitely going to complicate things, but I’d also say it’s a mistake to try and run the whole stack on a single ARM system anyway.

as for storj-up, if you do a docker-compose logs, it should at least show you the error messages that explain why the containers exited. that might get a little closer to figuring out what’s going on, if you’d like to share those here.

Ok I will get to that and dump the logs here
Might be a bit as power is out here
And I plan to write a script to distribute it the stack but ATM just testing before distribution of the stack

@tessa ‘’‘sudo docker-compose logs
new-storagenode-3 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-3 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-3 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-cockroach-1 | exec /cockroach/ exec format error
new-cockroach-1 | exec /cockroach/ exec format error
new-cockroach-1 | exec /cockroach/ exec format error
new-storagenode-5 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-5 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-5 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-9 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-9 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-linksharing-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-linksharing-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-linksharing-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-8 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-8 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-8 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-9 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-4 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-10 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-7 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-7 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-7 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-satellite-api-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-satellite-api-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-satellite-api-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-2 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-2 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-2 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-versioncontrol-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-versioncontrol-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-versioncontrol-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-satellite-admin-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-satellite-admin-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-satellite-admin-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-redis-1 | 1:C 16 Jul 2022 07:53:02.866 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
new-redis-1 | 1:C 16 Jul 2022 07:53:02.866 # Redis version=6.0.9, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
new-storagenode-6 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-6 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-6 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-uplink-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-uplink-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-uplink-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-4 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-4 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-authservice-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-gateway-mt-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-gateway-mt-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-gateway-mt-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-redis-1 | 1:C 16 Jul 2022 07:53:02.866 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
new-redis-1 | 1:M 16 Jul 2022 07:53:02.875 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
new-redis-1 | 1:M 16 Jul 2022 07:53:02.876 # Server initialized
new-redis-1 | 1:M 16 Jul 2022 07:53:02.876 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add ‘vm.overcommit_memory = 1’ to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command ‘sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1’ for this to take effect.
new-redis-1 | 1:M 16 Jul 2022 07:53:02.878 * Ready to accept connections
new-redis-1 | 1:signal-handler (1658048354) Received SIGTERM scheduling shutdown…
new-redis-1 | 1:M 17 Jul 2022 08:59:15.077 # User requested shutdown…
new-redis-1 | 1:M 17 Jul 2022 08:59:15.077 * Saving the final RDB snapshot before exiting.
new-redis-1 | 1:M 17 Jul 2022 08:59:15.524 * DB saved on disk
new-redis-1 | 1:M 17 Jul 2022 08:59:15.525 # Redis is now ready to exit, bye bye…
new-redis-1 | 1:C 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.835 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
new-redis-1 | 1:C 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.835 # Redis version=6.0.9, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
new-redis-1 | 1:C 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.835 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
new-redis-1 | 1:M 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.845 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
new-redis-1 | 1:M 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.845 # Server initialized
new-redis-1 | 1:M 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.846 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add ‘vm.overcommit_memory = 1’ to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command ‘sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1’ for this to take effect.
new-redis-1 | 1:M 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.854 * Loading RDB produced by version 6.0.9
new-redis-1 | 1:M 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.854 * RDB age 182407 seconds
new-redis-1 | 1:M 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.854 * RDB memory usage when created 0.80 Mb
new-redis-1 | 1:M 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.855 * DB loaded from disk: 0.002 seconds
new-redis-1 | 1:M 19 Jul 2022 11:39:22.855 * Ready to accept connections
new-satellite-core-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-satellite-core-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-satellite-core-1 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-10 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
new-storagenode-10 | exec /var/lib/storj/ exec format error
pi@raspberrypi:~/new $

Would this work atleast for cockroach
And I think
this is slightly different to the one on my storj up device