Satellite vetting and traffic comparison

It depends on the number of nodes being vetted on that satellite. For example if a satellite has 5000 nodes (/24 ipv4 subnets), a single node would get 95%/5000=0.019% of all traffic. If that satellite has only 100 unvetted nodes, a single unvetted node would get 5%/100=0.05% of all traffic. So in this example the unvetted nodes would even get more ingress traffic than a regular node.

The speed difference between vetting on different satellites is also explained by the difference in ingress amount. The more ingress a satellite has, the more data a node gets and therefore has a higher chance of getting audits earlier than on other satellites.
However, the amount of data on a satellite’s network plays an even bigger role. If one satellite holds 10x the amount of data compared to another satellite, vetting on that satellite will take a lot longer beause the chances of a pieces being audited is smaller as the node holds a smaller percentage of the total network storage.