Simpler way to swap from Bitcoin to StorJ?

I’ve learned about the discontinuation of the free tier in the hard way, an error on the logs, didn’t received any email.

Error: gateway configuration: failed to contact Satellite: uplink: permission denied (metaclient: All access disabled)

Now I would like to upgrade to a pro account and I would do that using bitcoin on lightning network without pass any KYC procedure to get storj token, how I can do that?

There are a number of platforms and wallets with internal swaps that won’t require KYC up to a certain amount. You will have to check their updated info for lightning availability.

Some platforms provide this service on a regionally regulated basis

Maybe someone else will have more specific recommendations , but essentially you need to look for something that functions for your region.


Yes, @bre is right - it’s a region-specific, you need to Google a best available way for your geographic location.
I know also ChangeNOW, but it’s not a recommendation or endorsement. However, I do not know do they support lightning or not.

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I haven’t found any service that supports both Lightning and Storj.

If a reputable forum user sells me $15 in Storj, I’ll send him $20 in Bitcoin via the Lightning Network.

Why not just let your node payout go the the payment adress this month? Should probably cover the costs for a while.


yea, the payment can occurs anywhere between 5th to 15th of june,
lastly it was 5-6th so like 9-10 days from now!

If changing payment address today will next payment go completely to new address or is it only the part earning from now?

It’ll be the complete payment.

Are they a node operator?

I’m not a node operator anymore

I even went and look at your post history to make sure you were a node operator. Didn’t factor in the possibility of “not anymore”. My bad.

Then I guess you would need to do two hops: lightning → something, something → STORJ. Also I thought that the lightning wallet should support a regular BTC tx?

Please explain why you would prefer to offer someone 5 dollars extra in Bitcoin via lightning rather than send a layer 1 Bitcoin TX to one of the many services that would allow you to swap directly from BTC to STORJ anonymously? Bitcoin fees are pretty low so you should be able to accomplish this while paying less than 5 dollars in miners fees and without having to trust some community member you do not know to actually send you the STORJ after they receive your Bitcoin lightning TX. Furthermore, you then could just specify your Storj account wallet address to directly receive the STORJ token deposit so that you won’t have to pay any additional eth gas to send the tokens to the wallet after having received them from your chosen untrusted private trading partner.

I caution anyone to send an untrusted party their STORJ token without having received the promised BTC first, unless they are using a third person both trust for escrow.


For me, it absolutely doesn’t make sense to go on-chain for such low-value transactions. The extra 5 dollars cover the fees on the Bitcoin network (1-2 dollars), the fees on Ethereum (which I don’t know), and hopefully allow me to find a reliable user for future trades when the credit runs out.

Moreover, exchanges like ChangeNow, suggested by Alexey, apply exchange rates far from the spot price. Considering all this, the 5 dollars are well justified and perhaps not too far from what I would spend anyway.

I believe that for $20, no well-known forum user would try to scam me, nor do I intend to scam anyone for $15. I am willing to send first or use an escrow.

I will definitely ask to send the tokens directly to the wallet address to activate the pro plan.

I would be surprised if any community member that would be willing to take on the risk of losing their Bitcoin to trade with you would accept to only get paid spot price for their STORJ (remember they also will have to pay gas fees to send you the STORJ.) What guarantee will they have that you are going to actually send them the BTC, unless you send it first or use an intermediary as escrow service (likely to generate even more fee expenses.)

Again, using any swapping service will completely avoid having to pay the ethereum gas fee as you can specify your Storj account´s wallet address as receiving address for the STORJ you would get by swapping BTC.

Note that if you plan to use Storj object storage for the long term, it would be best to just make a bigger purchase to cover several months of invoices rather than wasting exchange fees to make small purchases every month. Doing so also will improve the exchange rate offered by the swapping service. For example, with (not an endorsement) you can even choose between different swapping service options to get the best rate available for the amount you want to swap.

Once again, I caution our community members against making private trades with unknown and untrusted parties that solicit such trades through DMs or announcements on this forum.


I would be surprised if any community member that would be willing to take on the risk of losing their Bitcoin to trade with you would accept to only get paid spot price for their STORJ (remember they also will have to pay gas fees to send you the STORJ.) What guarantee will they have that you are going to actually send them the BTC, unless you send it first or use an intermediary as escrow service (likely to generate even more fee expenses.)

As stated before, I send first, no risk for the storj seller, and I’m not offering to buy spot price because I send 20$ to get 15$, it’s a 33% premium, look’s like an onest offert to me to cover even the eth fees, and if I don’t get it wrong they can send with some L2 layer so it’s supposed to be extremely cheap.

Note that if you plan to use Storj object storage for the long term, it would be best to just make a bigger purchase to cover several months of invoices rather than wasting exchange fees to make small purchases every month.

I have about 100 GB of backup data stored, 15$ credit it’s supposed to last for more than a year

For example, with (not an endorsement) you can even choose between different swapping service options to get the best rate available for the amount you want to swap.

This is the result with swapzone, If I send 30k sats (about 20$) on-chain I get about 15$ storj, and I have to add miner fees, so look’s like my offer to trade here with some node operator using lightning network makes a lot of sense and it’s a win-win for me and the storj seller: I spend less and haven’t have to risk to get my funds locked on the swap service and the seller can change it’s storj on L2 easily for bitcoin, that’s a lot more accepted, and with a 33% premium!

Once again, I caution our community members against making private trades with unknown and untrusted parties that solicit such trades through DMs or announcements on this forum.

I hope that announce trades on the forum isn’t against it’s rules, I posted here only after having tried other routes.
Anyway, when I was an SNO, I would have gladly accepted an offer like this that allows me to get rid of Storj for Bitcoin and with a nice commission, instead of have to send to an exchange and pay a fee.

Why are you so against KYC? That would safe a lot of trouble to do simple KYC on like binance or other exchanges. They have low or almost no fees and you can send directly to storj then

Binance for example support direct trades between storj and Bitcoin

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I don’t know any exchange that accept Bitcoin on LN and StorJ on zkSync, going on-chain for this amounts it’s ridiculous.
Anyway I don’t want to disclose my data and risk they get leaked, are you happy of all the spam calls, sms and emails? Not to mention the risk of robbery or kidnapping.
So no KYC service for me thanks

Your data is already entirely out there. Accept it. Privacy does not exist. It’s enough for one leak to happen. That one leak has already happened with 99.999% probability. Resistance is futile.

Creating yourself extra, however minor, headache to reduce chances for your data leaking from 99.9999% to 99.9998 is silly.

Do KYC. Exchanges do it instantly. Coinbase did mine in 1 second.

And yes, they too do swaps for essentially free. (Under ten cents or so)

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@bota87, As Discussed via PN, id happy to fulfill your request :slight_smile:

Checked with the coinbase calc:

30’000 sats (LND) for 28.5 STORJ (L1). After receiving i would send the transaction latest within 24hrs.

LND Invoice:
