SNO Capacity Planning

You know what really pisses me off?
Between my two FTTP lines (different physical lines from 2 different ISPs, (one is G-PON and the other is XGS-PON) I now have 2 Gb of bandwidth in my home.
And my 13 nodes in 3 separate machines are pulling an aggregate throughput of about… 200MBit :sob:

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I’m jealous :star_struck: ! Do you think it’s because you’re only appearing as two IPs?

heh. some kind. Russia. St.Petersburg. Would you like?
I’m clearly not in this situation. And I cannot even move to Kiev, where my friends, because…

More than likely. But still… 100Mbit per IP is… disappointing.

On the plus side, I am unlikely to start getting letters from my ISPs asking WTF is going on :wink:

I’m sure there must be trustworthy people even in Russia… :wink:

(Before anyone gets offended, I MEAN IT AS A JOKE!)


For a few days it felt like they were still pushing for speed hard. Like around 10am EST your connection would spike…and hold consistently high until around 2-3am… then it would take a breather.

Ingress the last few days has felt more chill. Like it still hits high-ish rates but it’s more of a gradual rise and fall. It also isn’t showing a distinct idle period any more: it’s gentler but relentless.

At least that’s what I see with a baby setup. If you’re big it looks like a non-stop party. Using half a 10Gbps line 24x7? Madness!!! :star_struck:

Well, I’d like to think I’d have more ingress if I had a leased line.
But at around £450 per month that’s most definitely not a commitment I’m willing to make :smile:

This is supposedly should mimic the expected behavior of these clients… so…

Leased line: a connection between point A (your main building) to point B (your office in a different town). No access to “the internet” :wink:

Dedicated line: Full bandwidth available to you 24/7/365.

Bandwidth per IP on my side is hovering about 40Mbps on native IPs and shoots up to 90Mbps if I route those same nodes over a VPN in central Europe.

Thank you. You are, of course, right and correct terminology matters. You know what I mean, though :wink:
(Also, the vast majority of dedicated line providers call them “leased lines” which, I suppose technically they are as they’re connecting my building to their POP :slight_smile: )

I don’t plan to. Economically unprofitable. You are asking to invest in equipment for the sake of one client (deal), which may not exist.
I gave up all the test data, I don’t need to have the whole drive garbage.


I will not expand.
My disks are full. I could even use other IP’s (for free) to expand and I wouldn’t need additional hardware, other than new disks.
What Storj pays is not enough for me to buy new disks. I’m using 5 disks, 4 that I had laying around and one that I bought on purpose for storj (it’s paid by now).
I suspect you can only get positive answers from people who can’t do math…


You have 5 HDDs, all full, all paid for, and all have been earning you monthly payouts… that could fund one more drive… to earn even more money?

Having 5 drives pay for a 6th sounds ideal. Or are they all small drives, and you’d prefer to buy a 20TB or something… so they haven’t earned you enough yet?

It’s not only HDDs. Add internet, pc, electricity, your working hours at minimum wage. :wink:


I had 4 4TB drives which I wasn’t using. If you forget I could have sold them, you could say I did well using them for storj. These drives generated enough income to buy a fifth drive with 14 TB. It’s paid, but it was a bad decision. Shortly after I bought it, income was drastically reduced. I shouldn’t have bought it.
Right now I barely cover the electricity costs. To buy another drive would be stupid. If a drive is given to me, then I can still run it above electricity cost. Other than that, it makes no sense.

Some months I make more money trading the storj token than running storj nodes, but I don’t need to run nodes in order to trade the token…


I get it: 4TB drives make it rough: because the first 2TB of each probably just covers the costs to run them… and they’re using the same power as your 14TB.

Maybe don’t add a drive: but get another 14TB or something to start replacing the 4TBs? Sell the small drives over time… and then have large ones earning much larger payouts for the same electric costs?

You do you my man: still sounds like a cool setup!

Remedial math is the specialty of the day by a factor of 13 and 1/3 ($1.49/$20), apparently! This $1.49 beauty pageant does not suffice for some, not un-reasonably so, at least … comparatively.

there is no 1.49$/Tb when you have half a disk of garbage that is not deleted and takes away income for the whole month

you should not think that you will invest in 100TB and get more than 95TB of data. Most likely, you will have 20 TB of garbage, if not more))


Yes, but 80TB of stored space is still $120/month –pretty sweet.

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yes, but 20 TB cost at least $300, which do not work)

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