My storagenode is offline with permissions errors and attempts to recover the node by recreating the docker container with root permissions have not been successful. The errors are:
INFO spawnerr: no permission to run command ‘/app/config/bin/storagenode’
INFO spawnerr: no permission to run command ‘/app/config/bin/storagenode-updater’
INFO spawnerr: no permission to run command ‘/app/config/bin/storagenode’
INFO spawnerr: no permission to run command ‘/app/config/bin/storagenode-updater’
INFO spawnerr: no permission to run command ‘/app/config/bin/storagenode’
INFO gave up: storagenode entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
Yeah if you are mounting your drive with fstab you might need to make adjustments. I ran into this issue as well and had to modify mine. For example my change went from:
/dev/vdb /storj/config auto rw,user,auto 0 0
/dev/vdb /storj/config ext4 rw,user,exec 0 0
The reason is because exec allows of the execution binaries that are on that mount. Oddly enough, I believe by default linux with default should mount as exec but for some reason when I checked it was noexec, so by explicitly stating it became exec on reboot/remount.
Edit - So I checked, by default it is exec but if you specify the user option like I did it defaults to noexec requiring explicit exec
For testing, I tried to run the node restart script, which had been working perfectly for 5 years - everything is the same, the node does not start with this error.
Think the storj team said something about recovering binaries from failed upgrades is easier there. Will let them chime in more on that. Did setting the ZFS property like that fix your issue?
Personally I am running 7 nodes with ext4 and hit this issue today and figured that some options can cause noexec to be enabled causing execution problems even if you run chmod +x on the binaries in the mounted File Systems.
I was able to resolve my issue after some trial and error.
My fstab config needed updating AND my bin folder needed to be executable. I tried defaults 0 2, but without nofail my system failed to boot and it took some time to mount the drive to another system to update the fstab.
Final fstab settings: defaults,noatime,nofail 0 2
Full fstab file and output of ls -l /mnt/storj/storj_data:
We do not use your email for announcements, and trying to reduce the spam from us to a required minimum like notifications when your node goes offline and returns online.
I do not think that there something regarding changing of the communications channel in the roadmap. There is also a problem with mass email relays - most will add satellites or address which we could use as a spammer and we cannot communicate important things to our customers. So, I would not expect that something would change here.
So, I can only suggest to subscribe to the forum.
Yes, 2 days is in time for me. I noticed a notification and tested, that my docker setup will works, I used the same image which now is latest. 3 minutes test, and I free to go.
I did notice it in the end of the day though, because I was busy, however, it was enough.
The expectation for this change that you shouldn’t do anything, it will just works.
However, if you have a custom setup, then you should spend more time to monitor changes and make sure that your custom setup is compatible too. This is price for customization and I do not personally see any problem here.
You also will be notified when your node would go down. And you will check the forum, or Google and find the forum.
I would recommend to configure the ability to manage your node remotely, it helped many times. For my RPI I also bought a smart plug to be able to reboot it if it would hang, it’s helped several times. But I would agree, that IPMI would be better and not depend on an SD card… but well. Other nodes are still remotely available for me, so I may fix issues.
I welcomed your feedback. I can only offer to submit a feature request for the consideration by the team or fix the issue right now by subscribing to the forum.
I tried to explain, why is it not a high priority and why we stopped to use provided email addresses. We have had less operators that time and were below the threshold when spam filters may block us for a massive emails. Now it’s not the case.