Would say same as before - but - cpu load is gone.
Hello guys, I decided to leave the project. So I activated graceful exit:
docker exec -it storagenode /app/storagenode exit-satellite --config-dir /app/config --identity-dir /app/identity
When I tried to get some info about progress with:
docker exec -it storagenode /app/storagenode exit-status --config-dir /app/config --identity-dir /app/identity
I got:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ docker exec -it storagenode /app/storagenode exit-status --config-dir /app/config --identity-dir /app/identity
2020-01-31T19:35:28.003Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2020-01-31T19:35:28.006Z INFO Node ID: My_Node_ID
Domain Name Node ID Percent Complete Successful Completion Receipt
satellite.stefan-benten.de:7777 118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW **0.00%** N N/A
asia-east-1.tardigrade.io:7777 121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6 **0.00%** N N/A
us-central-1.tardigrade.io:7777 12EayRS2V1kEsWESU9QMRseFhdxYxKicsiFmxrsLZHeLUtdps3S **0.00%** N N/A
europe-west-1.tardigrade.io:7777 12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs **0.00%** N N/A
I left round 10h ago. There are still zeroesā¦ I have cca 200GB data, so how long will I have to wait?
May I ask why are you leaving ?
Yes. I decided to left the project, because:
- I move to another location (slow internet).
- I was in project 30 days, and I sent(egress) 400GB data(uptime 100%) - so it means cca 10 USD salary. I have 100Mb/s connection (upload and download) and I noticed, that it was used hardly from 10%! I am not motivated to stay in project. I believed the calc estimator on storj web site, but reality is completely different.
P.S. If the āconditionsā (I mean profit) are better in future, so I am willing to join the project again. I have Raspberry Pi 4 with 5TB disk at home of my parents, who have 500Mb/s connection!
But what is it good for? You can have 500Mbps connection, but if the network is utilized just for 10% it doesnt make senseā¦
Just my opinionā¦
Have you been running it for at least 6 months if not graceful exit wont work.
Hey polo, would you mind to share which version your are running with for your storage node?
- you could follow the instructions for migrating your node to a new location here, this is not really a reason to shut down your node completely.
- during the first 30 days, your node is still being vetted, so it is normal that it only received 5% of the normal traffic. Full traffic will not start to be sent to you node until it has passed 100 audits on each satellite it is connected to. If you would run your node a little longer, you would most likely see a notable increase in uploads and downloads being offered to your node for storing pieces.
I suggest you read up on some of our earlier blog posts which describe in detail how the network works and how a node earns reputation. As already mentioned by another community member, you cannot apply for graceful exit until your node has been active for at least 6 months. If you still feel like you are not getting the expected utilization out of the network, you can then recover your held back amount by graceful exit.
No, I joined project 2.1.2020. So, in this case is not necessary to wait for copying data to other nodes?
Graceful exit only works for nodes that have been running for 6 months. If you havent ran your node for 6 months you will get a error saying a date when you will be able to run graceful exit.
I have version 0.28.4.
This is a bug that displays the graceful exit progress output even though you are not eligible. @deathlessdd is correct. If you update to the latest version it should be fixed
I have initiated graceful exit myself but only one one single satellite. My speed is just fine. With the default settings I have a constant transfer of 20MBit/s. With max settings I am getting 100MBit/s average and spikes up to 800MBit/s. The error rate is low.
has no effect at all. As soon as the queue is empty the storage node will request a new batch.
The only issue i see is that my storage node is waiting for the slowest transfer to finish before taking the next batch of orders. I will not complain about that because at the end of the day the transfer speed is acceptable for me. I will create a jira ticket but right now I have to give it low priority.
How do you trigger a graceful exit? Why is there no documentation about this topic?
Now you triggered me to not answer both questions. On the top right you will find a search function. Try āGraceful Exit Guideā. You are welcome.
This belongs HERE:
or maybe HERE:
Where it however does not belong:
in a thread that is not linked anywhere, so you have to search the forums.
Also, unfortunately Iām not running Kali Windows.
Once again you are welcome. I am always happy to help and write down guides here in the forum. Unfortunately I am not qualified to write good FAQs as you can simply see by the number of questions in that thread. Feel free to take that task and write down a FAQ that works for you.
It seem that the new version (much lower cpu-load) work as expected.
I finished two satelites already.
What to do with the receipt?
Keep it in a safe place in case its needed for support queries especially regarding payment of held amount.
After changing graceful-exit.num-concurrent-transfers should i need to restart my node? I have started the GE but seeing any significant speed of transfer
Yes, you must restart after each change in the config.
Also, increasing number of concurrent transfers could end with disqualification if your hardware (router to be precise and your network card) are not capable for high number of simultaneous connections.
You can take a look on these threads: