And the number only grows. They expiring eventually of course, but still we can see a lot of new accounts have been added every day.
Some free trial accounts doesn’t have even a single bucket, usually they also run a node. I do not know, why they create a User account, if they do not want to use a service.
I am thinking mostly about the situation with the free tier accounts without time limit. As 150GB was the most generous there is/was probably a lot to delete if users did not convert. The new time limited free trial is not so much in my scope and was not the basis for the quote from @Bryanm that I copied above.
Because obviously most people who run nodes are curious about the service they are supporting. I’ve created user account to poke around but haven’t used it for years, only recently I’m starting to incorporate storj I to my workflow. So that part is pretty obvious. Also, some people use different email addresses for things.
Free Tier is not the same as the Free Trial that @Alexey referred to. The new Free Trial accounts are only free for 30 days and only for 25GB of storage and egress, at the end of the free trial the user needs to decide if they want to upgrade to a paid Pro Account or have the account deleted. So essentially, this keeps the amount of unpaid data on the network to a minimum. And yes, all those old legacy Free Tier accounts that were not upgraded to Pro Account when they expired last April have long been frozen and if not already deleted, they are in the queue for pending deletion now.
I’m sure they could spend some time to determine a number to share with us… but why? If they said there was 2TB left… what would you do? If they said there was 2PB left… what would you do? Same thing?
It wouldn’t change SNO behavior: as long as used-space is trending up each month we’re happy
long as used-space is trending up each month we’re happy
Yes, that’s why @alpharabbit is continueing to push for answers. If we’re gaining a net total of 1.1PB per month, but deleting 1PB, alpharabbit can expect a huge boost in ingress when we’re done deleting.
If we’re already done deleting, he can’t reliably do the same
But that was exactly the question: Has this data already been deleted or are we still in the process of deleting it and therefore SNOs still must expect either stagnant or declining earning despite a full sales pipeline?
It feels odd how Storj is dancing around a clear answer.
I mean Storj has put this matter on the table. So all we would like to know is if the process is still ongoing or not?
I don’t think my used space data is really reliable. But when I compare the average from the satellites then my latest average that I believe is accurate is around 8% lower than the total average in the first half of July.
I only record the payout table data, after the payment has been received. So it’s pretty accurate. It’s what satellites see.
I record the TBs and multiply them with the payout rate; this way a also get the accurate payment.
There is a limit of 01 April 2024, which is already passed. Every new account has a 30 days free trial since the registration. And they have a new limits 25GB/25GB*mo.
I’m not sure, more like some YouTube guides which I saw before suggesting to create a User account for some reason.
We do not know and do not want to spend engineers resources on a useless answer.
It’s an automated process. We more care about paid customers and SNOs, sorry if someone could feel offended.
I could be wrong but as I understand it, the data associated with this legacy free tier account represents space for which Storj compensates SNOs, but for which it does not receive any payment itself, correct? I would have thought that is a figure that Storj would be quite concerned about and closely monitor it.
We did setup a process, which should result in to remove the unpaid data with the same pace as growing of the paid data.
Perhaps there is some monitoring too, I do not have any insights. Perhaps it would be bring up, if it would be concerning or disproportional. Rights now seems it’s not the case.
Sorry, you didn’t convince me, that it makes any sense to ask this useless information from the team and spent their time on that instead of allowing them to do something useful.
After implementing this process, you had announced that the process might affect the earnings of SNOs for a limited time. I’m experiencing this firsthand, as my earnings have remained quite stagnant for months now. So this piece of information would not be useless for me, it would help to assess the situation.
The ongoing deletion of old accounts is the only explanation that I could come up with for this situation given that we hear of the growing customer usage.
This is correct, but it would help to determine if this specific time limited impact is still ongoing or not.
I am aware of that but that was not the question. Look:
Let’s say we have 27 PB stored customer data consisting of old free accounts and actual paid accounts. Now Storj grows one month by 1PB new (paid) customer data and at the same time they remove 1 PB of legacy free accounts, growth is 0. But in reality Storj grew by 1 PB. At least I see it that way because without deleting 1 PB of free accounts this is exactly what that would mean.
So while it appears to be 0 growth in reality there could be a great success in increasing the amount of paid data stored. However total would still say its 27 PB customer data stored. That’s why I believe this is an important piece of information.
I am not sure yet but it feels like I am seeing many deletions on my older nodes, while ingress on younger nodes might not be able to fully compensate for that. Deletion of old accounts could explain that.