Storage node dashboard

For questions about the dashboard API please use Storage node dashboard API

Lets use this thread to talk about the new web interface. Open in your browser and take a look. If your storage node was paused on one satellite you will get a warning about that. I think everything else should be self explaining?

Some of you might see a false history on the 118 satellite. The reason for that is that we pushed the docker image while the satellite was still running the old version. There was a small time window for getting false information from that satellite.


Dashboard looks great! Saves a lot of effort with scripts etc. :slight_smile:

I did notice a few things:

  • Uptime checks and audits are displayed as a % over the lifetime. This is not indicative of current reputation and sudden drops in audits could cause a node to be paused even though these percentages would still look fine. Why was this chosen over uptime and audit scores?
  • I noticed the minimum version is displayed as v.0.0.0, is this correct?
  • Audit check description sounds more like an uptime check description. It doesn’t mention it actually verifies you still have the data you should be keeping safe.

Is it possible add “Deposit” or “Escrow” metric to dashboard?
I think SNO would like know how many tokens they have on deposit per sattelite.
Another proposition, add node age to dashboard and payout proportion based on age.



Overlapping progress bar.
Stats could be: Remaining/total allocated
Eg: 2TB/8TB

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Just a fast question about -p 14002:14002.
Adding this does it open up for lan and wan?
Port is not opened in my gateway so ill guess it stays closed on wan???

Did i make any sense?

@John.A It should be -p

Why was this chosen over uptime and audit scores?

What do you imagine this looking like? The uptime is typically displayed as a percentage, as seen in docs:

Minimum uptime (online and operational) of 99.3% per month, max total downtime of 5 hours monthly.

Makes sense to keep it consistent with uptime. What are your thoughts on that?

Agreed! This is something we all want and is on the roadmap to add.

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It is but cant reach it över lan just local

Audit check description sounds more like an uptime check description. It doesn’t mention it actually verifies you still have the data you should be keeping safe.

We need to update this. Actually, what’s your feedback on these descriptions?

Audit checks occur to make sure the data sent to a Storage Node is still held on the node and intact. This is the percentage of audit checks a storage node has passed.

Uptime checks occur to make sure a Storage Node is still online. This is the percentage of uptime checks a Storage Node has passed.

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Bug hehe, will be fixed :slight_smile:


Those descriptions sound great :slight_smile:

As for the percentage, I think the disconnect between life time percentages and the actual scores based on recent performance which are used by the node to determine reputation and disqualification might lead to some confusion. I would suggest taking the actual score (which is a number between 0 and 1) and multiplying it by 10 to make it more human readable. Of course then the descriptions should change a little as well.

Audit checks occur to make sure the data sent to a Storage Node is still held on the node and intact. This score is based on the recent percentage of audit checks a storage node has passed.

Uptime checks occur to make sure a Storage Node is still online. This score is based on the recent percentage of of uptime checks a Storage Node has passed.

You could choose to include thresholds in the description by saying nodes get paused when the score drops below 6.

Of course the downside of this approach is having to point SNO’s to complex beta calculation documentations if they want to know how that score is calculated.

Update: If you would like to run it on LAN only, you can remove the in the docker run command.

Awesome. Thanks alot

This is an interesting idea! The down side is tough though, we definitely want this to be fairly intuitive. This is something we can work to evolve over time though.

what if I make dashboard exposed to WAN?
Is it bad idea? Any known issues?

Please, do not expose to WAN as there is no authentication and is a security risk, only run on your local network.

Yes, that’s my question: what’s the risk?
There is no confidential information I can see on the dashboard.

I can even will volunteer and expose my dashboard:

Now, what worst case can happen?

If you want to access it via WAN one alternative is to setup apache (reverse proxy to storj api 14002) with a letsencrypt certificate and add a firewall rule to only allow access from your ip and not the world

I have noticed some inconsistencies
If I go on the new dashboard and choose the satellite 118U, I get:
Uptime Checks 99.6%
Audit Checks 99.9%

According to this, I’m half way to getting disqualified due to uptime, but if I use the API, I get:

curl http://localhost:14002/api/satellite/118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW | jq .data.uptime
  "totalCount": 217696,
  "successCount": 216776,
  "alpha": 99.91436151308675,
  "beta": 0.08563848691309517,
  "score": 0.999143615130869

So, the new dasboard shows the 100*successCount/totalCount value and not the score? Shouldn’t it show the score too, since the score is what’s important for not getting disqualified. right?

Same with audits, it shows 99.9% success, but the API gives this:

  "totalCount": 49040,
  "successCount": 49002,
  "alpha": 19.99999999999995,
  "beta": 4.4e-323,
  "score": 1

For that same satellite (118U) it shows:

The bandwidth value is probably correct, but I really doubt the disk space value.

More interesting is this graph:

How can the GB*h value go down in a few places? Even if all data was deleted, the value should stay constant, right?