Storage Node limited to 12Tb

Hi guys,
I have recently stumbled across an interesting issue.
I have an older node that I wanted to upgrade as the allocated space is full. I had this set to around 11TB than changed that to 12TB all went well and slowly the node filled up. Now I want to expand it to like 13-14TB.

I opened the file “config.yml” file and changed it from 12.00 to 13.00
After service restart (yes running it on windows)
The dashboard says 12TB, yes I cleared the cache and even tried a different browser. also muntinode dashboard also sees it as 12TB

Any suggestions?

Have you checked that you havent set the capacity to 12TB in an environmental variable or as a launch parameter? These two will have priority over the value at the config.yaml file.

hey I don’t think that is it, I set the node just for test lower, IE 5Tb and the change applied. Than I tried again 13Tb but resulted in 12Tb.

I am not sure but do you think it would be worth it to uninstall it and reinstall it?

Which setting are you changing in config.yaml?


“storage.allocated-disk-space” parameter is ignored in config.yaml - Linux, Docker, ver. 1.96.6 · Issue #6753 · storj/storj · GitHub

although that applies to docker so I’ll shutup


Hey no thanks, its a good catch that I didn’t specify that
storage.allocated-disk-space: 13.00 TB

originally was:
storage.allocated-disk-space: 12.00 TB

So here is the change I am trying to make, possibly I am doing something wrong, but I doubt that I changed this setting past multiple times

Put the parameter in the run command too, but with empty quotes. Than you can specify whatever space you want in config.

It looks like the windows installer creates a startup command with the space available set in it
ExeCommand=" … --storage.allocated-disk-space "[STORJ_STORAGE] …

I’m rooting around in their source without really knowing much about windows but maybe you set it?

Doesn’t seem like it
the only thing I found was this:

--config-dir "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\\

You maybe don’t have that much space left? Check your log for “Disk space is less than requested”

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you are probably looking at the setup command , the startup command has no additional parameter than the config dir one.

i know with docker I have to not just “restart” docker but actually bring it down and up.

2 things you could check:
1.) edit config.yaml as admin (Notepad++ will give you a warning if it can’t save due to lack of admin rights, for example).
2.) From the Services app, stop the node and start it again (different from “restart”).

You can also check the log if the correct config is loaded, as these are printed to the log on each startup. When on Windows the config.yaml file should be enough in order to change the storage used.

If you really want to be sure, you could also right-click on the storagenode.exe file (as used in the Services app) and check if any parameters are set there (under Properties).


Hello @Skyblockpro1,
Welcome back!

Please check, that you saved the config file:

sls "allocated" "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml"

Also, please search in your logs for "less than allocated" message.

Hey there, its been a wile :slight_smile:

I checked the config using powershell, and yes it is saved:

C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml:130:# file preallocated for uploading
C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml:172:# total allocated bandwidth in bytes (deprecated)
C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml:173:storage.allocated-bandwidth: 0 B
C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml:175:# total allocated disk space in bytes
C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml:176:storage.allocated-disk-space: 13.00 TB

Also I stopped and started the service still no luck, I even restarted the server for good measure.

Than I also searched the log for “less than allocated” But without luck.
Nothing seems to be wrong with the logs.

The term you are looking for is “Disk space is less than requested

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Hey So I searched that term the whole phrase and also used the key words “less” “requested” and “allocated” none of the terms show up in the logs
I will attempt to reinstall the node later today. I need to do some prep for that

I will let you know if that fixes anything

Alright, its saved. If you would check the log after (server) restart, you can then verify if its loaded. That would save you a reinstall.

Thanks for the suggestions, I got a possibly stupid question, I just happned to do a similar upgrade on a different node, and a similar thing happened to me at 10.99Tb when I set it to 11.50Tb

Could it be that Storj is looking at the maximum capacity of the drive that windows is reporting and using that as some sort of CAP?

I have included a picture from my second node:

Yes, it’s. But then it should print a message less than requested in the logs on restart.

Oh, you are correct, I forgot how it looks like, I didn’t see it on my nodes for a long time…