Storagenode Windows 7 EOL

Windows 7 Support Ending for Storj Storage Nodes

Dear Storj Network Community,

We’re announcing the deprecation of Windows 7 support for Storj storage nodes. This decision is driven by multiple factors: Microsoft ended Windows 7 support in January 2020, and Golang, which is essential to our node software, removed Windows 7 support in version 1.21 (released August 2023). As we need to maintain current Golang versions for security and performance, we must align with these platform requirements.

Key Details:

  • Support for Windows 7 will end on March 1, 2025
  • Nodes running on Windows 7 will stop receiving updates after this date
  • Affected node operators should upgrade to Windows 10 or later
  • This change does not affect Windows 8.1 or newer versions


  • January 24th, 2025: Notification to all node operators on the forum.
  • February 24th, 2025: Final notification to all node operators on the forum.
  • March 1st, 2025: End of Windows 7 support; nodes may experience connectivity issues.

Please plan your system upgrades accordingly to ensure uninterrupted operation of your storage nodes.


Can’t you send out an E-Mail to everyone who is running a node on windows 7?
I would assume that first not everyone is reading this forum and second this thread will go under every other thread here.
Or the same notification as it was shown on the payout change. Just check for windows 7 and set the notification.

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Please prevent auto update to the breaking version in the updater.

Then when people will come with “why is not my node receiving ingress?” They will be provided with a solution to stop running EOL crap. No data loss will occur.

Edit. I’m the idiot with a short attention span. It’s evidently already planned


Also send email to all Model T Ford owners:

As of March 1 2025 we will no longer be manufacturing replacement trembler coils for your magneto, and as such, hand-cranking may provide insufficient current for starting

(People on Win7 know what’s up, and understand the consequence of running on an OS released 16 years ago)

Win 7 it’s pretty miner friendly, many use it, and many miners could use the rigs for Storj also. And you can’t check for every software website to see if it will end support.
The software’s devs must inform their users of these type of changes. If they let you install it on a version of Windows, no matter how old, it means they support it. And if they decide to not support it anymore, they must inform you. The email is the best and convenient option.
Every serious business uses email notifications. Storj keep avoinding it without serious reasons. Not nice!
Why not making a github section with news releases, and anyone can set notifications there. I receive every notification about new storagenode releases.

The people who run any software, are responsible to make sure they meet the reqs of that software. And continue to meet those reqs.

And software vendors support… what they document they support (either publicly, or privately as part of a paid support contract)… not “whatever someone can get working”. Supported configs can change. I can get all kinds of crazy stuff “to work” or “to install”… but the vendor won’t support it: that’s ridiculous. :slight_smile:

It can be nice to receive various notifications, about various types of changes: the vendor has that option. But to say “software’s devs must” do anything? Nope.

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Such decisions are not made by software devs. :wink:


In this case you can’t - the app simply won’t start. You’ll get en exception immediately from runtime.asmstdcall(). There is no point in trying to make this work — when even vendor decided it’s too much work.

The problem is, that Windows 7 is not actually supported by storagenode software for Storj v3 (see archived Prerequisites - Node Operator, it’s the oldest one that I can find). And even support of Windows 8/Windows 2012 has been removed too: updated OS requirements (Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 are out of sup… · storj/docs@bc6c22f · GitHub

So, if some decide to try their luck - welcome, but no support meaning No Support, including personal notifications.


In this case, yes, you are absolutely right.
But in the past, in v3 beginings, did Win 7 was specified as supported?

I do not remember. I think the oldest was Windows 8/Windows 2012 even for Storj V2 (it was also limited by the NodeJS version that time, which didn’t support Windows 7: node.js - Latest NodeJS compatible with Windows 7 - Stack Overflow, so, I think it was not in our prerequisites even then, back in 2017).

Windows 7 search did not return anything: Code search results · GitHub.

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It’s all Hyrum’s law.

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Now you make me DuckDuckGo “Hyrum’s law”. :nerd_face:


Good morning, I have a question, is Windows Server 2012 R2 included in the minimum requirements to work or do I have to migrate?

It’s excluded from the minimum required version.

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Oki, thanks for the information Alexey. Time to get going and have it ready and updated to continue working from March 1st.

Time to move to “always free full of addware AI and official spyware your friendly OS” Windows 11 Pro.

Or wait for Windows 12 which is “tentatively” arriving in Q4 of 2025.

Windows 10 has EOL in October 2025.

It’s good that you informed about Windows 7, thank you! The main thing is to let me know when support for Windows 2012 R2 will end so that I can switch to another system in advance.

It’s already not in the supported versions. It may work, but could stop anytime.