Storj - out of sync

got a weird issue yesterday total engress/ingress data was showing as 60+ gigs
and in hard drive Drive used shows 69 but the app only shows 6.45 Today

These are monthly stats. It’s May now. Bandwidth is reset and not all satellites have reported storage usage yet. You’re all good.


Thanks, I do have another problem, i m running on this VM window. is it possible to be able to see the dashboard on other computers on the network?
i tried putting the port and local IP address of the machine doesn’t work only can access this on the that machine

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The reason was this: docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 -p 28967:28967/tcp -p 28967:28967/udp -p, alternative using ssh, you can:

  1. Change to, it could be access anywhere on the network.
  2. Or use some tool to pipe between socket, map (on host) to, eg: socat TCP-LISTEN:15000,fork,reuseaddr TCP: - this should work too (I just check).
  3. Personally, I’d using nginx with ddclient (auto update public IP tool).

Exposing your dashboard publicly is not a good idea though. But that would work as long as you are on the same network and don’t forward the dashboard port on your router.

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Nginx with basic auth and I’ve bitwarden - it will go through immediately - no need to fill anything :crazy_face: .

Thanks for help.
Will try that.
Another Quick Question - Promise LAST ONE :smiley:
I installed Storj on 1 TB drive (installation itself was on the external drive ), and now I m have spare 2 TB drive ( Should I just copy paste and good to go ) or do I need to switch over anything else as well config file is in External drive

You can either switch or start a new node on the 2TB drive.

If you just want to switch everything from the 1TB drive to the 2TB one, you can follow the docs:

Just make sure you correctly identify all relevant paths to copy and read the guide carefully. In essence you just copy all relevant data from the drive to the new one and then update the mount point of the drive in software.

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Why is it a bad idea?
I have mine exposed behind nginx reverse proxy and never had an issue with that. So what is the reason that everyone is saying that someone shouldn’t do that?

One of the reason could be: an unknown bug could lead to a security issue, it could be url parameter tampering or else…

The fact that showing node id or wallet address id already bad enough. Or maybe, you map it via a subdomain of your domain, now I will scan the all subdomain of that domain and discover all of your nodes and maybe something else…

The only reason you really need is that Storj Labs says you shouldn’t do it. Meaning it isn’t designed for public exposure. Meaning the possible security issues @kocoten1992 warns about may be more likely. In general you don’t want to expose anything you don’t need to. Additionally, the dashboard also has API endpoints that can change certain settings. I believe that’s currently only used for debugging options, but it further shows how it’s not supposed to be public. The ssh tunnel instruction will work just fine. Stick with that, I’d say.

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I have just copied the files and booted the machine and the drive it has the same Drive path & Letter.

when and now i ran the Dashboard it shows status Online how can i confirm its okay or do i need to make any changes in the config file

Do You know if it’s ok to expose the multinode dashboard? The only thing they would be able to change is the registered node, or am I wrong?

Use Clouflare Zero Trust platform. Then you can access any web app you want, behind some password, such as pin, or SSO from e.g. GitHub

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You may install as many multinode dashboards as you like, so no, you do need to expose it too, just run it on your device, it’s connected through a secure channel to your nodes’ public ports.
If you would expose it publicly it has exactly the same consequences as exposing a single node dashboard, except that it didn’t expose the API, but all other will be available to everyone.

If you want to have access from your smartphone for example, then I would suggest to use either LAN availability and VPN to your LAN or use a simple ssh tunnels, as suggested above.

Do you happen to know which are the settings that can be change runtime?
It would be great if there were more settings that could be changed without requiring a node restart or even removal of the container.

I think it’s just log level for now. Not sure though.


I see. I have hoped there was more.
That would be brilliant.

I just noticed, this is actually the debug port, not the dashboard port. So I guess it’s not relevant here. The other arguments to not expose your dashboards still apply though.